The Bold and the Beautiful recap (Dec. 2): Douglas goes back to Hope

Annika Noelle of the CBS series THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, Weekdays (1:30-2:00 PM, ET; 12:30-1:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Gilles Toucas/CBS
Annika Noelle of the CBS series THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, Weekdays (1:30-2:00 PM, ET; 12:30-1:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Gilles Toucas/CBS

Bold fans, I had to sit tight while watching today’s episode of The Bold and the Beautiful. The rewrites were on full display as Douglas was delivered to Hope and Liam’s doorstep by his great grandfather, Eric, in the aftermath of Thomas’ scheme blowing up in his face.

They really wrote that child as if he’s been missing being at the cabin when everything we’ve seen before his return to the Logan estate said otherwise. This was the same boy who didn’t want to leave Forrester Mansion. So much so that instead of coming home whenever he was asked to, he simply asked his mom if he could stay longer and if she could come over more.

Douglas even dismissed Liam as his family and was trying to push Thomas and Hope together so he could have the family unit he actually wanted. He was in rare form for weeks but now he suddenly missed his life at the cabin and is happy to be back. Okay then.

Also, it wasn’t clear that Thomas knew his son’s things had been packed up so he could be taken back to Hope. He didn’t mention him once and the last he’d heard, Finn was sending the kids off with Lee. So, personally, I’m unsettled.

Here’s the full recap of events.

What happened today on The Bold and the Beautiful?

Liam and Hope were filled in by Brooke on what Thomas had done which cued Hope to say she should have listened to them both. She got to rewrite history by saying she was trying to believe that Thomas had changed for the sake of staying out of a custody battle.

It was like Hope standing up for Thomas and being overjoyed that he was her lead designer for the preview never happened. Their bonding time had nothing to do with keeping Thomas from trying to take Douglas from her. If she really wanted to get her son back, she could have put her foot down, Hope was written as choosing not to do that.

In fact, she was so passive about it that Eric was the one who ultimately brought Douglas back to the cabin and it only happens because Thomas’ manipulation was revealed. Before he arrives though, Hope lets Liam in on a secret she’d been keeping once Brooke leaves to go “take care of something.”

Remember, that almost kiss between her and Thomas that she promised him she wouldn’t mention to anyone? Well, she unearthed that secret now that she’s no longer on Team Thomas. And, conveniently spun the tale as if she kept that incident from Liam in order to keep the peace.

We know that’s not the truth. She did it because, at the time, she considered Thomas her friend and didn’t want there to be issues because she wanted him in her life. Guess that’s no longer the case now. Liam, of course, was upset but didn’t blow up at Hope.

Instead, after she gave him a lackluster answer for why she kept quiet, he asked her if she was okay as if something terrible had happened to her. The two hugged, I sighed in frustration, and the soap kept going downhill from there.

When Eric brought Douglas to the cabin, his reception was warm. It was a cute scene. But they really do have to stop praising this little boy and his “bravery.” When he reveals what his father does, he’s a hero and should be showered in adoration for knowing right from wrong. But when it’s their secrets, instead of encouraging honesty, he should hush up until they’re forced to apologize to him because the secret is out. Hypocrisy.

Given the lack of dialogue on whether Thomas knew Douglas had been taken to Hope’s, I’m not sure if they’ve all conspired to take his son from under his nose. Or, perhaps, Thomas is aware and this custody struggle is now over, Hope got what she wanted initially, and he’s once again relegated to being a part-time father who sees his child whenever she’s okay with it.

I will say though Douglas did look sad about this whole thing so perhaps there’s a tiny sliver of hope that this custody situation will be more fair down the line. For now though Douglas has been “reunited” with Hope and Liam as if he wanted to be back with them, and I’m going to have to deal.

As for Brooke, what she had to “take care of” was a visit to Forrester Mansion to see Taylor. Steffy and Thomas had left, taking her wedding dress with them, so they could go fight at the fashion firm because Thomas still doesn’t feel remorseful.

At first, the conversation the two women had went the way you’d expect. Brooke got to grandstand about Thomas’ behavior while Taylor had to apologize for the pain he caused. She also had to explain herself to Brooke when it came to why she didn’t say anything to Ridge before they got to the altar.

But, in a move that was surprising, Taylor got to say why she chose to believe that the truth about Thomas’ manipulations wouldn’t matter so much that she needed to stop her wedding. She gave Brooke the whole story behind Ridge’s Aspen promises which visibly brought Brooke up short because she hadn’t expected to hear that.

However, speaking for Ridge, she did say that it’s obvious that he’d only left her because he’d been lied to. That wasn’t her place but trust Brooke to say what she believes to be true even if it hasn’t been confirmed. Same with the implication that Ridge is coming home to her once he sorts himself out.

It must have been terrible for Taylor to have to be told by Brooke where Ridge is and where he’s at in his feelings. And Brooke told her but she also asserted that she told him to take his time so that when he comes back to her, he’s only focused on them and not torn. Presumptions, again! Granted, at this point she’s likely not wrong but watching Taylor have to swallow that was hard especially on her wedding day.

If Tridge isn’t happening, I really need Taylor to hold Ridge accountable for how he lied to her all because he was hurt. Honestly, at least in terms of her own pain, that’s worse than what Thomas did because Ridge didn’t have to do all that. He chose to ply her with promises that, yes, he intended to keep but that were based on the lie that he chose her because he loves her and wants only her and not because Brooke betrayed him.

For Tridge and Thomas fans, it’s going to be a rough road going forward. Until next time, Bold fans. Stay beautiful and be prepared for a lot of angst in the Forrester family for next couple of weeks.

Stay tuned to Hidden Remote for more The Bold and the Beautiful news and coverage! New episodes of the soap air Mondays-Fridays on CBS. Evening viewing is available on Paramount+.