The beloved trio of actors Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson alongside director Martin McDonagh are back for a dark comedy titled The Banshees of Inisherin. Taking place in the early 1920s amid the Civil War, the film follows two lifelong friends Colm Doherty (Gleeson) and Pádraic Súilleabháin (Farell) living on a small, rural island of Ireland. When Colm decides he no longer wants to be friends with Pádraic, their rift causes a conflict on the isle that only escalates every time Pádraic tries to make amends.
While The Banshees of Inisherin starts off extremely humorous, it actually gets pretty sad by the end as tragedy strikes the isle. As always, Farrell and Gleeson give really strong performances, as do supporting actors Kerry Condon and Barry Keoghan. The movie hit theaters in the U.S. in October but was just added to HBO Max on Dec. 13.
If you’ve been waiting to catch the dramedy on streaming like I was, you’ll certainly have a fun time watching this strange and unexpectedly emotional movie.
Who is Jon Gregory?
And when the credits begin to roll after The Banshees of Inisherin concludes, you’ll see a quick dedication pop up to someone. The title card simply says “In memory of Jon Gregory” without providing more details, so we’re here to explain who the man was and why he was important to the film.
Gregory was a film editor who frequently collaborated with Martin McDonagh, including on the movies Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017) starring Frances McDormand and In Bruges (2008) starring Farrell and Gleeson. He was nominated for an Academy Award for his editing work on Three Billboards and was nominated for multiple BAFTA Awards during his career. Unfortunately, Gregory passed away in 2021 at the age of 77. His obituary in The Guardian reports he passed away “after a short illness.”
Though he’s not credited with working on
The Banshees of Inisherin
, we can assume that’s only because he passed away before filming concluded. Reportedly, McDonagh shot the film
between August 2021 and October 2021
, and Gregory sadly died in September 2021.
Gregory’s death was certainly a blow to the entertainment industry, and we’re wishing his loved ones the best as they continue to grieve.