The Bold and the Beautiful recap (Dec. 26): Thomas is fired…again
By Sabrina Reed
Thomas had to face the music on Dec. 26’s episode of The Bold and the Beautiful, not that viewers who’ve been keeping up with the soap should be surprised by the designer’s firing. Had he crossed anyone but his father, he probably could have kept his job. But Thomas dared to make Ridge look like a fool and, regardless of his intentions, that’s something Ridge can’t countenance.
So, for the sake of the family, their extended relations, and the business, Thomas was let go from the fashion firm. He, however, didn’t leave unscathed by rebukes. The primary plot of the episode centered around him get a dress down before his firing. The point of Thomas’ summoning was to discuss his soon-to-be ended work at Forrester Creations, but instead of focusing on how his actions have affected his professional life, the whole meeting was about what he’d done personally.
It was odd watching Eric, Carter, Brooke, Hope, and Ridge take turns reprimanding Thomas for what he did as they all sat around the table in the main office. Getting fired at the fashion firm doesn’t usually take a smattering of executives, plus Hope, to happen. Generally, Eric or Ridge decide and the family just deals with the fallout, but I guess we needed to see Thomas “plead his case” for the drama of it all.
Meanwhile, in Malibu, Steffy–who really should have been at the meeting where Thomas got fired–and Finn were having a romantic night alone. The storm and Thomas’ impending consequences weren’t about to impede their time together, but they didn’t factor in a surprise visit from Sheila, so imagine their shock mid-kiss when the door flew open and there she stood with the storm raging behind her.
Here’s the full recap of events.
Bold and the Beautiful recap (Dec. 26)
It must be noted that Eric was right when he told Thomas he presumed too much when it came to keeping his position at the company. If you’re being summoned to the office and walk in on executives, along with the head of your fashion line, waiting for you to discuss your poor conduct and ruinous behavior, it’s not likely that you’re walking out of that meeting with your job.
Still, Thomas gave them his best hat in hand routine. He apologized for his actions and even admitted to seeing where he’d erred in judgement. As much as he wanted Brooke out of his life and his parents back together, he shouldn’t have called CPS and framed his former stepmother in order to manipulate his father out of his marriage.
Previously, Thomas had felt no remorse for what he’d done, and while he didn’t exactly genuflect and rake himself over the coals in this episode, he did attempt to express his sincere regret. Eric told Thomas that he was disappointed in him, and that he’d opened his home to his grandson only for him to do something like this and jeopardize his standing at Forrester.
Brooke didn’t believe Thomas’ apology. She went on yet another speech about how she tried to provide him with love and support (Reader, this was a bold faced lie) and what she got in return was Thomas interfering in her marriage and causing its end. Twisting the knife, she pointed out the stress and grief on Ridge’s face and how Thomas has put him in this terrible position.
Extremely out of place, but there because he’s CFO, Carter focused on the professional aspect of this meeting. He acknowledged the progress he’d seen in Thomas’ personal life which was reflected in his improved working relationships, especially with Hope. Giving credit where credit is due, Carter called Thomas’ designs “fire,” but he also spoke on how Thomas’ manipulations were hurtful and has caused strife.
Hope, who could barely look at Thomas, also acknowledged all the hours he’d put into her line. She thanked him for his contributions, but also laid into him once more about the pain he’s caused Douglas. Bold fans, this is where I’ll remind you that we haven’t actually seen any of what she’s talking about onscreen when it comes to their son’s feelings on his father. But apparently, he doesn’t even want to see him and neither does Hope as she’s dismissing Thomas from Hope for the Future. Presumably, Zende will step in as lead designer going forward.
Ridge went last and was the most compelling in what proved to be a rather tedious A plot for this episode. He’d believed in his son when no one else had. At every turn he went to bat for him and defended him tirelessly. So, the fact that Thomas could do this to him was galling. While Thomas did say that he hadn’t been thinking, that he’d lashed out over Brooke’s threat to call CPS, and regretted that decision, his promises to be better and do better weren’t received.
It’s gotten to the point where Ridge is unsure if this is simply who Thomas is and if he’s incapable of change. When I tell you the hypocrisy was sky high! Every single person at that table has done dirt including Hope, but Thomas is the one who needs to change immediately and never backslide? Okay then.
Anyway, Thorsten Kaye was fantastic in the scene. It was obvious firing his son was hard for Ridge and that he’d only done it for the family and the future of the company. They all unanimously agreed that Thomas needed to be shut out of the firm and then they left him in the office by himself, crushed over what had happened.
Meanwhile, Steffy was taking advantage of a night alone with Finn rather than being there to send her brother packing though Ridge did make sure to tell Thomas that Steffy was a part of the decision to fire him. With Kelly at Liam’s and Hayes with Lee, Sinn had the house to themselves. They made the prerequisite small talk about Thomas and Sheila before getting hot in heavy on the couch.
What the couple didn’t know was that Sheila was on her way to see them, but they found that out rather quickly when the door flew open and there she was standing in the doorway. That’s certainly one way to make your presence known. No one can say Sheila Carter doesn’t know how to make an entrance and she even shut off the power to the Cliff House. I’m sure we all can’t wait for the verbal sparring to begin with this trio. Until next time, Bold fans, stay beautiful!
Stay tuned to Hidden Remote for more The Bold and the Beautiful news and coverage! New episodes of the soap air Mondays-Fridays on CBS. Evening viewing is available on Paramount+.