In classic The Bold and the Beautiful fashion, Bill broke Katie’s heart on Jan. 17’s episode when he chose Sheila over her and his family. While she did manage to move him emotionally, by clear evidence of his tears, it still wasn’t enough to get him to leave the soap’s current Big Bad.
Who’s up to bat next? Likely Liam and Wyatt as the former learned about the connection between his father and Sheila did and it won’t be long before his brother’s brought up to speed as well. Liam and Hope dropped by the Cliff House to find out why Sheila wasn’t rotting away in a jail cell only to be bowled over by the fact that she’s out because Bill plotted and schemed to ensure she’d go free.
Here’s the full rundown of what happened!
The Bold and the Beautiful recap (Jan. 17)
Katie did her best. Heather Tom was acting, as she channeled a woman desperate for her ex-husband (and the great love of her life) to walk away from Sheila Carter. She pulled out all the stops. Katie continued to apologize for not being there when he needed her most, she expressed concern for his well-being, called on him to be the protector the family needs so he can stand up against their sworn enemy, and put him on the spot as she demanded that he send Sheila packing.
But it was all for nought. Even the thought of Will’s feelings and opinions on the new lady in his life didn’t get Bill to reconsider. All he said to that is that he wouldn’t let anything happen to his children. This isn’t the first time, he’s vowed to keep them all safe either. He told Steffy the same thing when she expressed concern over the safety of his grandchildren and Hayes.
Despite who he’s aligned himself with, Bill is sure he can handle whatever comes with Sheila including keeping her from hurting any more people that he loves. So, while Katie drew on Spencer Mansion being Will’s home and how he’d never understand his father’s choice to be with such a dangerous woman who’s hurt all of them repeatedly, he’s of the mind that that’s not a pattern of behavior that’s going to continue.
As for Sheila, she didn’t fail to remind Katie multiple times that she’s not Bill’s wife and the mansion isn’t her house. Katie took a lecture on her leaving Bill like a dagger to the gut, it was painful to hear and an accusation she couldn’t entirely refute. Her history is littered with the way he’s often hurt her, but choosing to walk away from him when he was pleading for her to give them another chance did hurt him.
Personally, I believe she made the right decision, but it’s still true that part of Bill’s emotional turmoil is being rejected by her. That’s not something she can take back though I’ll be glad when it’s framed as a necessary step for herself and a consequence of his treatment of her over the years. I mean it wasn’t that long ago that he pitched a reunion with her mere moments after he’d declared his love for Brooke and got rejected.
Sheila wants to paint Bill as a victim, but he’s not. At least when it comes to Katie, he’s alone because of his own actions. In any case, for every reason Katie had for why Sheila should be banished from the mansion and put back in jail, Sheila had an answer.
You’re concerned about Will? Well, he’s at boarding school and Bill and I can speak to him about what’s fact and what’s gossip so he can form his own opinion. I’m dangerous? No one around here is a shrinking violet and I’m a changed woman. I can’t possibly love Bill? That’s where you’re wrong; I do love Bill.
I have to give it to her, Sheila held her own in their conversation through every insult and jab. Bill, however, was primarily silent once again. He didn’t defend her and he didn’t really defend himself. Katie made more than one attempt to get him to throw Sheila out, but he didn’t make a move until Sheila asked him if he wanted her to leave.
He, of course, didn’t and instead reiterated Sheila’s suggestion for Katie to leave. To say Katie was shocked would be an understatement. She wasn’t prepared to be the one walking out the front door and slamming it but that’s exactly what happened. Bill flinched when it happened while Sheila started in on yet another speech on being loved and being chosen by him as if he hadn’t been standing there like a rock not defending her for the majority of the episode.
Back at the Cliff House, Hope and Liam breezed through Sinn’s front door looking for answers about Sheila going free. At first, they thought the judge hadn’t believed the couple which was surprising since Steffy and Finn are credible witnesses. But once Sinn launched into how Bill schemed, the truth became horrifyingly clear.
Liam was angry and frankly disturbed by his father’s romance with Sheila. He hated that he’d used Taylor shooting him as leverage to silence Sinn and was shocked to hear his dad has a judge in his pocket. Hope tried to settle him with a calming hand, but she was blown away, too, and immediately thought of what her mom’s going to say when she finds out.
They were all hoping Katie would be able to get through to Bill, but she didn’t. So, Liam is going to have to make good on his statement that he’ll be going to have a talk with him. Until next time, Bold fans. Stay beautiful!
New episodes of The Bold and the Beautiful are available to stream on Paramount+. For a look at this week’s spoilers, click here.