It was not a good day for Hope Logan on today’s episode of The Bold and the Beautiful. Not only did she have to contend with her continued grief over losing custody of Douglas but she’s also got work problems. As the show has been showcasing for the past few weeks, ever since Thomas was fired, the Hope for the Future Line has been struggling.
Eric and Zende Forrester stepped in to assist with the work load left behind by Thomas but their creative visions differ from his dramatically. As such, when their collection was reviewed, it was not as well received as his. Panicking over what this could mean for her line, Hope had initially entertained the idea of Thomas coming back to design even if it was in a limited, work-from-home capacity. Steffy convinced her not to give into that fear and trust the direction Eric and Zende were taking her brand in.
Doing so, however, has not worked out for her and that’s very clear in the numbers. So much so that Steffy, Eric, and Carter met to discuss the future of Hope’s line which is starting to cost Forrester Creations money. Here’s the full recap of events on The Bold and the Beautiful.
What happened today on The Bold and the Beautiful?
The episode opened with Steffy greeting Finn at home before he headed off to work. The two discussed how their home life hasn’t been too affected by Douglas’ presence. He’s a big help in the morning when it’s time to head off to school, tying Kelly’s shoes and buckling Hayes in to his car seat. Finn appreciated his initiative though he’s still of the mind that eventually Douglas will want to go home to Hope, Liam, and Beth at the cabin.
Steffy agreed but neither of them mentioned whether Douglas has been asking to go back to the Logan estate. Every time he’s talked about by them he seems content. To add salt to the wound, Steffy informed Finn that she has a big decision to make regarding Hope for the Future. It’s under performing and she doesn’t want to kick Hope while she’s down, but she’s got to do what’s best for the company. Anyone who’s been watching this soap for awhile knows that for Steffy it’s not personal, it’s just business no matter who may be on the chopping block.
Hope’s very aware that her line is in trouble. While her conversation at the cabin with Liam focused primarily on Douglas and her need for him to come home, her husband was able to get her to open up about what else was bothering her. In classic Hope fashion, she answered him a bit awkwardly and sped past the bad news she was sharing to focus on what she needs which is for her son to come home and for her line to rebound.
Liam gave her the same look that he gave her when she worried over whether Douglas would decide he’d actually prefer to live at the Cliff House with his aunt permanently. Though he tried to assure her that that wouldn’t happen, Liam couldn’t say anything when Hope pushed back on his certainty. They really don’t know what Douglas is going to decide and that’s the terrifying part for them.
Hope also made a comment about how she’s tired of everyone always bringing up that she’s Douglas’ adoptive mother as if it somehow makes her less than in his life. I’d like to note that no one has diminished her standing as Douglas’ mother simply because they do not share blood, especially not the Forresters’ who are no strangers to adoption.
Anyway, at the main office, Carter had walked in to find a lovely 10th anniversary gift from Eric, Ridge, and Steffy commemorating his time working at the fashion firm and their hope for many more years working together. The show treated us to a flashback of his best moments on The Bold and the Beautiful before Eric walked in to give his in-person thanks to the CFO.
Unfortunately, they did have to return to business as usual as they had a meeting with Steffy to discuss Hope for the Future. With sales down across the board and the line flagging, they’ve got to make tough decisions. Hope learned this when she walked in on the middle of their discussion and Steffy invited her to stay so they could talk.
The episode ended before Steffy answered Hope on whether or not her brand is about to be cut but clearly something drastic is going to have to happen. The line can’t go on like this and, while Hope’s identity and vision for the world is wrapped up in it, Steffy can’t afford to prioritize Hope’s idealism above the company’s profits. That’s just the facts.
I’m sure you can’t wait to find out where the story is going to go with this plot and the same can be said for Finn’s. He had a moment at work with his mom, Li, who is also working at the hospital. She told him that he’s being looked at for head of his department and it is a position that Finn wants. But he also knows that it’ll mean more hours away from his family which is something he and Steffy are already beginning to struggle with even though she’s very understanding about a complicated schedule considering she’s Co-CEO of a fashion firm.
Until next time, Bold fans. Stay beautiful!
Stay tuned to Hidden Remote for more Bold and the Beautiful recaps, news, and coverage! New episodes are available to stream on Paramount+.