Does Camila cheat on Billy in Daisy Jones and The Six?

Camila Morrone (Camila)
Camila Morrone (Camila) /

In Daisy Jones and The Six episode 6, “Track 6: “Whatever Gets You Thru the Night?,” the narrative took a surprising turn. While non-book fan viewers could tell from the trailer for the series that Billy and Daisy would have a relationship that would challenge the former’s marriage, the idea that Camila would step out on her husband was not hinted at.

The adaptation of the trio’s story navigates the troubled waters of Billy’s connection with Daisy and how it pulls his focus from the home front. It’s not just that he’s working odd hours as a musician creating an album that he hopes is a hit with a woman who strengthens his songwriting and pushes him to do better creatively. It’s that there’s clearly more going on that’s deeply personal and Camila is bearing witness to it.

Spoilers ahead of Daisy Jones and The Six (the show and book)

In episode 6, as confirmed by Camila Morrone–the actress who plays the talented photographer–this leads Camila to cheat just like Billy is, however, her affair isn’t of the same caliber and is based on what she needs in the moment.

Considering the series has made both major and minor diversions from the book it’s based on, it’s understandable that fans may be wondering if Camila’s dalliance with her husband’s bandmate, Eddie, is an element of the story that was added into the live-action iteration of Daisy Jones and The Six. Here’s what we know!

Does Camila cheat on Billy in the Daisy Jones and The Six book?

Yes, there’s an implication in the book that Camila did cheat on Billy. But it wasn’t with Eddie and it’s a moment that’s alluded to rather than explicitly stated.

As her husband was struggling through his feelings for Daisy (and in deep denial about it), Camila’s high school sweetheart was in town. The two met up for lunch and, as Billy noted, the hours passed in such a way that it became obvious that she wasn’t just having lunch with an old flame.

It didn’t rupture the couple’s relationship as Billy chose to move past it and accept that she’d done something for herself. Something she knew would hurt him, but he was also aware of how he’d been hurting her. Their love for one another was stronger than that moment in time.

The show, however, may decide to take a different route with this plot. We’ll have to keep watching Daisy Jones and The Six to find out. New episodes release Thursdays on Prime Video.

Next. When is the Daisy Jones and The Six finale on Prime Video?. dark

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