Spoiler Warning: This article contains immediate spoilers for Survivor 44 episode 8, “Don’t Get Cocky, Kid.”
A successful blindside is one thing, but a successful idol play on top of a blindside is even more exciting – and that’s what fans saw happen in Survivor 44 episode 8. Although this week’s immunity challenge didn’t break the players into two teams like last week’s episode, players were still divided into pairs as they faced a three-staged obstacle course for immunity.
The individual immunity challenge did not start as an individual competition. The remaining ten players were split into teams of two, with four pairs making it through the first stage, and only two pairs making it through to the final stage. In the final stage, the remaining four players would compete individually for immunity.
Did the immunity challenge impact Survivor 44 episode 8 as it did last week?
The first stage included a tangled net in the mud that players had to twist around to get through. Once both members of each team were through, they searched for a set of planks in a giant sandpit. Stage two saw the remaining pairs climb a net wall before using the planks to cross a rope bridge. Lastly, the final stage is where each player had to hold themselves up on extremely narrow footholds, which kept decreasing in size as Jeff had them transition in intervals before reaching the last and tiniest piece of wood to place their feet onto.
Last week’s challenge created two groups where one group was completely immune, while the second group of five went to tribal council. One of the five was immune and the writing was on the wall for Matt as the original Ratu members stood together with their three-to-five majority. Survivor 44 episode 8 did not see such a distinct advantage play out with its immunity challenge, but players were still left feeling like Ratu was in charge of this vote.

Did he just say, “It’s our game to lose” on Survivor?
Yes, Kane said it. After admitting not wanting to get cocky, he claimed the very thing some fans (including me) might think of as a “kiss of death.” After Lauren defeated Danny as the last person standing in the individual immunity challenge, the chatter back at camp quickly turned to who they wanted to see voted out.
After the heartbreaking scene at tribal council where Matt was sent home, the first part of this episode highlighted Frannie’s bond with him and her sadness upon his loss. To keep the momentum going, the Ratu members decided the best move for them was to keep pushing on the former Soka tribe and vote out Frannie.
Despite how awful a back-to-back vote like this could be (for the romantics among us), a backup plan comes into play and things become uncertain in the blink of an eye. Let’s take a look at the remaining players and the tribe they used to be on:
- Ratu: Lauren, Brandon, Jaime, and Kane
- Soka: Heidi, Danny, and Frannie
- Tika: Carolyn, Carson, and Yam Yam
The Ratu four believe Carson is tight with them, while Yam Yam will stick with them after keeping him around after last week’s vote. Plus, they believe Carolyn will vote however Yam Yam votes – uh, rude. However, a plan unfolds and it might just work if nobody spills the beans, but this is Survivor, and of course, someone does spill the beans.

What’s the plan and will it work in the end?
Survivor 44 episode 8 gives Danny a solid edit (not counting his gaseous display in the challenge); he plans to make a noble move and play his hidden immunity idol on Frannie. He tells a couple of people his plan, but Heidi makes the choice to use this information and share it with Carson and Yam Yam. At this moment, it appears the plan is all for nothing because Yam Yam wants to use this information to solidify his place with the Ratu.
Danny finds out that his plan has been compromised, and if he plays his idol for Frannie, they could have switched their votes to him. This type of jumbled gameplay comes with the Survivor territory as players have to determine who they can trust, for how long, and if the plan they’ve created will be what ends up playing out at tribal council.
In this case, Danny must rely on his read of the situation and make a decision to hold onto his idol or play it on Frannie or himself. Did Yam Yam tell Ratu? With all of the uncertainty surrounding the plan, Danny had to decide what to do and this one decision could lead to good fortune or a downhill spiral.
Danny stood, walked over to Jeff Probst, and played his idol on Frannie. Any votes for her would not count, but did Ratu’s plan change and did they switch their plan beforehand? The very first vote was read: “Frannie.” Then the next five votes were for her until a new vote shined a light on who would be the next jury member: Brandon. It’s been a long time since an idol was played correctly and tonight’s blindside was intensified by the victory in making the right call. These moments make Survivor gold!
What did you think of Danny’s move to save Frannie? Were you sad to see Brandon go? Were you happy to see Frannie stay? Share your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to follow Hidden Remote for more Survivor coverage!