Bob’s Burgers recap: “Crab-solutely Fabulous” is Louise’s tale

BOB'S BURGERS: The kids become a part of a crustacean-themed wrestling show. Meanwhile, Linda tries to form a 21-day habit in the "Crab-solutely Fabulous" episode of BOB'S BURGERS airing Sunday, Apr 23 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS © 2023 by 20th Television
BOB'S BURGERS: The kids become a part of a crustacean-themed wrestling show. Meanwhile, Linda tries to form a 21-day habit in the "Crab-solutely Fabulous" episode of BOB'S BURGERS airing Sunday, Apr 23 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS © 2023 by 20th Television

If there’s one thing Bob’s Burgers is great at, it’s a callback. The show is constantly referencing previous episodes and seasons even in newer episodes.

In season 13, we’ve seen callbacks to as early as season 1 and that’s why I’m incredibly excited to watch this week’s episode. With a crustacean-themed episode on the horizon, it does remind me of a few earlier episodes.

Of course, we all remember the classic season 1 episode, “Lobsterfest” and even, “Large Brother, Where Fart Thou?” which is a season 7 episode. Despite living near a Wharf, the Belchers don’t do much with fish which makes sense as the family owns a burger restaurant. Even so, it makes me all the more intrigued by what “Crab-solutely Fabulous” has in store for us in this week’s Bob’s Burgers.

Here’s what you missed on “Crab-solutely Fabulous”

If you’ve gotten to this point, there will be spoilers from now on. I’ll be discussing the entire plot of this episode of Bob’s Burgers. This is your spoiler warning!

Bob's Burgers
BOB’S BURGERS © 2023 by 20th Television

The episode begins with the family working together in the restaurant with Linda sharing her new “water routine” while Teddy shares that he’s working on a new wrestling ring so he needs a to-go order. The kids are so excited that they end up going along with Teddy to his job which results in Louise giving the wrestlers and creative director, Carol, pointers. Louise suggests that she, Gene, and Tina want to be in the show so Carol tells them to come on Tuesday with their costumes, and a storyline and she’ll decide if they’ll be in Saturday’s show.

Bob and Linda agree to allow them to do it so the family has to come up with different storylines which cast Gene as the diva, Tina as the badass, and Louise as the wildcard. Carol says they need to tone it down a bit, resulting in their debut, and things end up entirely too chaotic so she recruits Teddy as one of their “foes.”

They all work together and come up with a routine involving Teddy which does better but Tina and Gene are ready to quit as they’re sore while Louise won’t give up. It all comes to a head when they are asked to headline the show but no one is as committed as Louise including Teddy who is injured while picking her up.

To save the show, Louise decides to recruit Bob to help finish the show and he pulls Linda in to help which ends up being a great show closer. The episode ends with Louise telling Carol they’re done with the show and the family have ice cream at home together.

”Crab-solutely Fabulous” shows the two sides of Louise in Bob’s Burgers

As I said, Bob’s Burgers isn’t afraid to do a callback moment but if there’s one area the series excels in, it’s character development. Throughout the majority of “Crab-solutely Fabulous,” we watched as Louise becomes almost completely obsessed with wrestling. She’s willing to do so much to just have 15 minutes of fame and end up being a wrestling champ.

As much as she loves it, she makes a difficult decision by giving it up for the greater good of the rest of the family. I mean of everyone, Teddy ended up having the worst time so I was happy to see Louise give wrestling up. While the episode featured a plotline with Linda, the siblings end up overtaking the episode but I wasn’t mad about it.

Overall, “Crab-solutely Fabulous” was a fun episode with so many great callbacks and awesome character development for Louise. Plus there was even a callback to “Lobsterfest” which was everything I was hoping for.

Bob’s Burgers airs Sundays on Fox at 9/8c. 

What did you think of “Crab-solutely Fabulous?” Let us know in the comments!