Survivor 44 episode 9 is a great example of how captivating the hit reality TV show can be, especially when it hits the ground running in the individual portion of the game. Although last week’s episode saw a guarantee from Kane regarding his alliance’s position in the game, this week seemed to highlight the Tika tribe as they have settled in the middle.
Carolyn, Carson, and Yam Yam are the middle ground between Ratu and Soka tribes, and although it’s technically an individual game at this point, old tribal bonds are dictating where people are voting. Frannie astutely pointed out the Tika’s game plan, and how if they continue to go back and forth, they’ll be the last trio standing. However, alliances aren’t always dedicated to one person’s opinion, unless that person’s opinion is equally tied to the Tika trio.

What were Tika’s options in Survivor 44 episode 9?
Let’s be very clear, Yam Yam is on a mission. Shall we say an MI6 mission as James Bond? The self-proclaimed spy turned Survivor player has unleashed his wrath against the past players voted out. He’s made a list, checked it twice, and there’s one person left on his mind. From Josh, Matt, and then Brandon, Kane is the other player remaining who has written Yam Yam’s name down at tribal council.
Vengeance aside, his partner-in-crime Carolyn doesn’t understand his logic and wants to pull together support against Danny – the person who landed the blindside in last week’s episode after playing a hidden immunity idol for Frannie. As for the third member of Tika, Carson seems to be calming both teammates to make sure the trio votes together as a unified force.
Is it that simple? Of course not. Besides Kane and Danny, Heidi, Jaime, Carolyn, and Yam Yam were mentioned in Survivor 44 episode 9 as potential vote-outs. Plus, the thought of “Knowledge is Power” crept into players’ minds and advantages began to switch hands, just in case someone had it. Lauren gave her extra vote to Jaime to use that vote on Heidi, while Jaime gave her (fake) idol to Kane.

Should players sit out of an individual immunity challenge for food?
Let’s be absolutely clear – the decision is not simple. Players have to determine what their position in the game is, while also figuring out if they have any confidence in the immunity challenge. It might be easy to say, “Oh, I’d never sit out,” but what if the challenge is balancing one foot on a small block while keeping a ball anchored to a post with what looks like the base of a bowling pin with handles?
So, if the description of that alone makes you question whether or not this challenge sounds easy or insanely difficult, then perhaps sitting out for food isn’t that far of a stretch. Host Jeff Probst asked for four of the nine players to sit out of the immunity challenge to earn rice for the entire tribe. Carson’s struggles with energy continued in Survivor 44 episode 9 after his stomach illness, so seeing him step out was not a surprise. Lauren, Kane, and Heidi also did not participate.
Perhaps Lauren and Kane felt confident in their Tika alliances since they all voted together last week, but it’s clear Tika is in the middle and can go either way. Heidi’s decision to step down could have been an indication of her comfort level after finding the hidden immunity idol that was put back into circulation after being played last week. Again, staying out of a challenge is not an easy decision, but there are a lot of different factors that come into play at the end of the day.
Will someone who sat out be voted out in Survivor 44 episode 9?
During the rice negotiation before the immunity challenge, Danny and Carolyn said they wouldn’t vote for anyone who sat out. Kane immediately pointed out in confessional that those words are empty, but he still sat out despite knowing the risks. Unbeknownst to him, Yam Yam’s secret Bond mission targeting him meant he was a viable option.
After the immunity challenge with Frannie picking up her second win, it appeared there were two legitimate options left for fans to wonder who might go home: Either a split vote lands between Danny and Heidi, or Kane goes home with the possibility of flushing Jaime’s idol, albeit fake. It’s not simple if it’s Survivor and this tribal council broke apart before it was time to vote.
Editors of the show added subtitles after Yam Yam requested them from Jeff when whispering started, followed by people leaving their seats. Much of the chatter seemed dedicated to sticking to the plan of voting for Danny, and with the earlier conversations, it seemed like a split Danny-Heidi vote was imminent. Well, that is only half right.

As the votes were being read, Kane, Jaime, Danny, and Heidi all received votes. What is going on? It would seem the Tika three created split-vote scenarios with Ratu and Soka, but who will the final votes land on? After three votes landed on Heidi and three on Kane, the final two votes read would lead to the third member of the jury. The person who guaranteed victory for his alliance was sent packing this week: Kane.
Did he get voted out because he sat out of the immunity challenge? No. Did Yam Yam’s vendetta come back to bite him? Quite possibly. It appears that Yam Yam’s voice had some pull, and whether Carolyn or Carson wanted to vote that way or not, it was clear they decided to let Yam Yam lead the way and not dig their heels against his plan.
Does this mean the Tika trio is in a primed position to work together until the end? It’s safe to say they’ve put themselves in a good place to sway votes either way, but the question is whether or not they can hold onto that power or will the remaining players turn on them?
What did you think of tonight’s vote? Do you think Tika is controlling the game right now? Were you excited to see Heidi find the idol or Frannie win another immunity challenge? Share your thoughts on Survivor 44 episode 9 and don’t forget to follow Hidden Remote for more weekly coverage of your favorite reality TV show!