Jack Ryan ended its four-season run with a big action-packed finale that put its titular hero (John Krasinski) on a new path. So how did it all end?
Caution: This article contains SPOILERS for the Jack Ryan series finale.
The finale opened with Jack held captive by Zeyara Lemos, revealed as the architect of the entire terrorist attack plan. She revealed her ultimate plan to send bombs into America to show how weak the country truly was.
Thankfully, Chavez and Mike November managed to rescue Jack and kill Lemos. Meanwhile, now confirmed as CIA director, Elizabeth Wright and Greer confronted Ade Osoj on how he was working for corrupt CIA officer Tuttle in aiding Lemos’ schemes. Osoj cut a deal for immunity to give up Ryan’s location.
On the way back from Malaysia, Cathy found the flash drive Chao had smuggled that revealed Lemos was plotting to smuggle chemical bombs inside cars over the Mexico-Texas border. The team headed there, Jack managing to figure out by weight which trucks were heavier than they should have been and thus carrying the bombs. After a wild gunfight, they managed to stop the terrorists.
Did Jack really quit?
Wright met Ade to point out he had immunity from the CIA but not the D.C. police, who arrested him for ordering the murder of former director Miller. Ade arrogantly asked if Wright would arrest everyone like him, and she smirked she was surely going to try.
Jack testified before Congress on his actions and dropped the bomb on everyone that Senator Henshaw signed off on the order allowing the trucks into the country in exchange for a big “campaign donation.” Jack made a big speech on how the American people deserved better before walking out with Henshaw realizing his political career was over.
The final scene had Jack, Wright, Greer, November, and Chavez outside the Capitol, with Jack scoffing at the idea he’d ever run for President. Chavez asked what was next. As Jack pointed out, he quit and then walked off with Cathy.
So it appears to be the end of the road for Jack Ryan, although it’s open for a continuation of this universe based on the Tom Clancy adventures.
Jack Ryan seasons 1-4 streaming on Prime Video.
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