When is Attack On Titan season 4 part 3 Dub streaming on Hulu?

Attack on Titan The Final Season Part 2 - Photo Courtesy: Funimation
Attack on Titan The Final Season Part 2 - Photo Courtesy: Funimation

With the news of Attack on Titan returning to our screens later this year, fans are heading to their favorite anime streaming services to catch up on everything they’ve missed.Fortunately for everyone, there are tons of places you can go to watch every second of the anime thus far. But there are only so many places that is streaming the latest installment of the final season, especially since the title is such a hot commodity.

Is Hulu one of these sites?

Here’s everything to know about whether Attack on Titan season 4 part 3 is streaming on Hulu!

Is Attack on Titan season 4 part 3 dub streaming on Hulu?

Hulu subscribers, you’re in luck because this streaming service has every single episode of Attack on Titan thus far, including the most recent installment, The Final Chapters Special 1. However, sadly, at this time, it seems there’s only the Japanese dubbed version of the anime. Nevertheless, the dub exists, as there is an official trailer for it below.

When the English dub of the part 4 season 3 arrives to Hulu, we will definitely let you know. But for now, feel free to head to the site to relive the anime from the very beginning.

Where to stream Attack on Titan season 4 part 3 dub

As the trailer states, the best place you can go to stream the English dubbing of Attack on Titan season 4 part 3 is Crunchyroll. (The site also has the Japanese dubbing!) You’ll have to subscribe to the site with a small fee to access every second, but once you do that, you’re all set!

Aside from Crunchyroll, there aren’t many places that are streaming the English dubbed of season 4 part 3. For now, we think it’s best to sit tight and wait for some more news!

Attack on Titan is coming and with it, comes once of the best minutes of anime that you’ll watch all year. Be sure to stay tuned with Hidden Remote for all the latest updates on anime!