Gen V, the highly awaited superhero spin-off series from The Boys universe, finally made its debut on Amazon Prime Video on Friday, Sept. 29, 2023. Set within the hallowed halls of Godolkin University, a Vought-owned institution, the show delves into the lives of the first generation of superpowered individuals who grapple with the revelation that their abilities stem from Compound V. These young heroes are pushed to their limits, testing their physical, sexual, and moral boundaries as they vie for lucrative contracts in the world’s premier cities.
At the heart of Gen V is the talented Jaz Sinclair, best known for her role as Rosalind “Roz” Walker in the Netflix sensational series, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. As many fans would know, Sinclair was once romantically linked to her on-screen partner and co-star, Ross Lynch.
Are you curious about the current status of her relationship with Lynch? If so, you’re in the right place! Join us as we delve into all the latest details about their respective love lives below!
It looks like Jaz Sinclair and Ross Lynch are no longer dating
As of Oct. 2023, it appears that Jaz Sinclair and Ross Lynch are no longer together, ending a four, maybe even five-year relationship. However, it’s important to note that this breakup has not been officially confirmed by either party. Despite the absence of an official statement, several pieces of evidence point toward this conclusion.
Firstly, fans began speculating about the couple’s split earlier this year. In June, a TikTok video circulated featuring Ross Lynch during a performance with his band, where he talked about heartbreak. He commented:
"“I didn’t know it could get worse though, you know? The thing about heartbreak is… the only thing that really helps is music.”"
While this could be interpreted in various ways, it added to the speculation.
"@rosslynch_lover7single ross??♬ original sound – rosslynch_lover17"
Although Jaz Sinclair and Ross Lynch were relatively private about their relationship, they occasionally shared glimpses of their life together on social media. However, the last time Ross posted about Jaz was in October 2022, when he shared a carousel of romantic posts with the caption: “She makes me so happy :).”
In Aug. 2022, Jaz posted a picture on her Instagram account showing the couple almost kissing while enjoying time on a boat with friends. However, she has since deleted this post and any other content featuring Lynch, which further fueled rumors of a breakup.
Adding to the uncertainty, the pair have not been spotted together in public since Jan. 2023. While these indicators strongly suggest a breakup, it’s essential to remember that nothing has been officially confirmed. We may need to await a public statement from either Jaz or Ross or observe them stepping out with new partners to really know the truth.