The Bold and the Beautiful recap (Oct. 6): Finn receives unexpected news

BySabrina Reed|
Tanner Novlan as Dr. John "Finn" Finnegan of the CBS series THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, Weekdays (1:30-2:00 PM, ET; 12:30-1:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS 2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Tanner Novlan as Dr. John "Finn" Finnegan of the CBS series THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, Weekdays (1:30-2:00 PM, ET; 12:30-1:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS 2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Today on The Bold and the Beautiful, Finn had only prepared to continue giving Hope advice about her love life. After the two finished embracing he explained that he meant what he said, she deserves a man who is devoted to only her. He’s also of the mind that the only reason she’s developed an attachment to Thomas is because he is providing her with the devotion she felt she was lacking from Liam because of his torn feelings between her and Steffy.

I think it should be noted that Liam is no longer divided. He had an opportunity to get back with Hope when she put herself out there trying to see if they could work on their marriage. Liam turned her down. He didn’t tell her this but his heart is set on a reunion with Steffy. He feels he made a mistake letting her go and I would agree with that assessment, but it’s up to the Co-CEO to decide if she’s going to walk away from her marriage with Finn to try again with Liam.

Hope said she doesn’t think Steffy would give up what she has with Finn, which is so rock solid from the outside looking in, so she doubts a reunion with Liam is in the cards even if Steffy has struggled in the past with her own feelings. If she does waffle though Steffy may need to watch out when it comes to Ms. Hope Logan.

After she let the Cliff House, thanking Finn for listening to her unpack her feelings, Hope found herself reminiscing about the hug she shared with Steffy’s husband. I didn’t miss that linger on Finn’s face. Don’t get any ideas, Hope, he’s still very much married and devoted to his wife even though she left him and is currently residing in Rome with their kids.

Not to mention he’s about to go through more family upheaval than he’s possibly ready for, though in this case, the fallout is going to be hers to share.

Deacon and Sheila tell Finn about their relationship on Bold and the Beautiful

Finn came running over to Il Giardino after he received a call from Deacon asking him to drop by. In the worse conversation opener possible, Deacon told him that he’d called because it had to do with Steffy. Of course this alarmed Finn and he wanted to know immediately what was going on especially if it would get his family back home to him safely.

What Finn didn’t expect was for Deacon to begin to tell him that he won’t have to worry about his birth mom, Sheila Carter, anymore and that she isn’t a threat to him or his loved ones. Then, when Sheila walked out from behind the bar and she sat down to hold Deacon’s hand, Finn began to put two-and-two together. He did not look happy though this really shouldn’t be too much of a surprise, he knew they had a romantic past (even if he wasn’t aware at the time that they were fake dating until it became real).

What he’s yet to learn is that Deacon and Sheila are engaged. The couple had toasted to their new relationship status back at Deacon’s apartment earlier in the episode and the man in question had made a promise to help Sheila establish a connection with her son. This meant opening up about their romance and showing him that she’s changed. And, no, if you’re not a Sheila fan and you think this is yet another ploy, it’s not.

Sheila assured Deacon that she didn’t say yes to him because she thought it might ease Finn’s concerns, so that’s not a part of this plot. Plus, we’ve had years of Deacon and Sheila’s romantic development. They truly love one another. Anyway, it’ll only be a matter of time before Finn tells Hope about their parents’ romance. After all, they are apparently friends now.

I wonder if Hope is going to be the one who is there for him when he finds out the big secret his adoptive mother, Li, has been hiding from him that has to do with Forrester’s new intern, Luna.

Luna is related to Finn but the question is how

Yes, you read that right. Luna’s time on this episode of The Bold and the Beautiful was spent comforting RJ about Eric’s health condition, aka his cerebrovascular disease, but once the two young adults shared another touching moment together and RJ went on his way, she had the design office to herself. It was then that she received a call from her mother, Poppy, played by Romy Park.

As free-spirited as Poppy is, she’s still not about Luna putting herself in a situation that she believes can only go left. Apparently, she’s worried what her sister, Li, will have to say about Luna being around the Forresters. Luna, exasperated and a tad emotional about the rebuke, told her mom that she doesn’t care about the risks, she’s following her dreams and Finn doesn’t know.

Obviously, if Luna sticks around Forrester Creations long enough, her cousin will run into her at some point. But all this secrecy has me wondering if there’s more going on here than what we’ve been led to believe. Sure, there’s the threat of Sheila to consider and it would make sense for Li to want to keep her family away from even being tangentially in the infamous woman’s orbit but the tension in this situation seems beyond the pale. Maybe Finn and Luna are more closely related that we know. I’ll weigh in more once we know whether he actually knows about her existence.

Ridge incorrectly believes Eric is in peak shape

Across the hall, in the CEO office, Ridge received an unexpected visit from Eric and Donna as he and Finn were going over the numbers. Once more they were alarmed at the cost of the material that Eric was ordering. However, when pressed about it, Eric said it was necessary for the opulence of the collection. This led to a playful back and forth between the father and son as they gently ribbed each other over their design preferences. Ridge and his jewel tones and Eric and his French lace.

For a little while at least, Eric got to revel in the competition he’s struck up with Ridge. However, soon, he had to mask the tremors in his hands. He’d intended to spend some time in the office he wants to reclaim, Ridge even welcomed him and told him to kick his feet up, but Eric didn’t get to do that. Noticing his beginning distress, Donna feigned remembering a meeting that Eric needed to get to and they promptly went home after Eric reminded Ridge that he’s running out of time.

Back at Forrester Mansion, Donna told Eric that she was disturbed by his gallows humor. But Eric said that he’s living until he dies (an apt statement for us all) and he plans on doing so with joy. Seeing his point, Donna relented. But then Eric went into a brief coughing fit. He assured her that it was nothing and then shielded the blood on his hand from her as they embraced.

Eric is in serious health decline and he’s not going to be able to mask that fact for long. I bet he’ll at least make it to the runway but I’m concerned that this will be a show like none we’ve ever seen before and not in the way the fashion icon hopes. For now, Ridge is none the wiser and believes his dad is at the top of his game which couldn’t be further from the truth.

Until next time, Bold fans. Stay beautiful!

New episodes of The Bold and the Beautiful stream on Paramount+.