Gordon Ramsay’s next restaurant takeover? Da Mimmo’s Brick Oven Pizza and Italian Restaurant! This is the business Ramsay will do his absolute best to steer in the right direction on Kitchen Nightmares season 8 episode 4. After Ramsay’s job is done, it’s all up Da Mimmo’s staff to keep it up. Did they succeed? Is the restaurant still open today?
Thanks to Ramsay and the Kitchen Nightmares crew, every restaurant so far this season is still up and running today. Will Da Mimmo’s be this season’s first closed business? Now, don’t get me wrong, I wish all of these restaurants success! But back in the early seasons of the reality show, I remember there were several restaurants that had to permanently close due to its staff not being able to to keep up with Ramsay’s changes, or even for personal reasons. However, all three episodes so far have been a success. Fingers crossed Da Mimmo continues the streak.
Spoilers ahead if you are currently watching season 8 episode 4, “Da Mimmo,” and don’t want to know just yet! But if you don’t mind, or are catching this post after the episode aired on FOX and simply want to know more details, we’ve got you!

Is Da Mimmo from Kitchen Nightmares still open?
We are happy to report that yes, Da Mimmo is very much still open for business — and wow is it thriving! The owners and crew are so proud of their restaurant and the makeover Ramsay made possible, that they are hosting a Kitchen Nightmares watch party at the restaurant.
Looking over all the October events the restaurant is also hosting, it looks like business is blooming! Later this month, they are having a comedy night with Tara Cannistraci, followed by a Halloween Party on Oct. 19. Reservations are required for both of these events, so if you are in the New Jersey area, don’t miss out!

Did Da Mimmo’s restaurant change its menu after Kitchen Nightmares?
If you have been watching the reality show for as long as I have, you know that, more often than not, the first thing Ramsay suggests changes on are the restaurant’s menu. Reason being, first impressions are everything if you want to attract people to your business. The place needs to be neat, clean, and inviting, but the menu also needs to do the same.
Many times, these restaurants offer one too many options, which is overwhelming to both the guests and the kitchen staff. Ramsay recommends a simple menu. So how’s Da Minno’s menu looking these days? Umm, we’re not sure! At the time of this writing, the Menu is not available on the restaurant’s site. Clicking on the page takes you to a blank screen that reads “menu coming soon.” Strange! The Brick Oven Pizza and Italian Restaurant is also tough to find on social media. As soon as we learn more, we’ll be sure to update this post!