After taking Maddie, we learn more about Amber’s mental state in 911 season 8, episode 10. It’s also a race against time to find and save Maddie.
Caution: This post contains SPOILERS for 911 season 8, episode 10.
The episode opens with Maddie getting a glimpse into Amber’s mental state. Amber is arguing with someone, and it’s clearly herself. Is she schizophrenic? That certainly seems like the case just from the opening of the episode.
Meanwhile, the 118 need to work together to find Maddie. Understandably, they all think that Maddie is going through another mental health crisis rather than thinking that she’s been abducted. There needs to be a huge conversation about this when they finally get to Maddie.
Chimney and Buck immediately fear a mental health crisis in 911 season 8, episode 10
When Buck and Chimney first get back to Chimney’s house, they wonder where Maddie is. Buck notices her wedding ring is on the table, and Chimney finds her phone on the table. Naturally, they all think that she’s left on her own accord. I can totally understand this, but I wish someone would bring up that there could be something more sinister going on. Why is it Athena who later comes up with this? The others know her better.
Hen decides she needs to call for Athena, and with Amber being called in, it’s clear that the group will continue to be tricked for the time being. With Amber gone, though, it means Maddie has some time to figure out a way to escape.
Athena isn’t too sure that Maddie would just disappear, despite the way that Maddie felt after the way the previous case went. Amber tries to push for the idea that Chimney is the one who could have done something, but Athena won’t even entertain that, because we all know Chimney. So, Amber needs to find another way to cover her own tracks, and when Chimney shares that Maddie is pregnant, Amber realizes that she can use that.
Amber decides to get as many details as possible about the past case. Athena’s gut continues to push the idea that something isn’t right. I love how Athena is always focused on her gut, and she knows how cases can work. She starts to think that Richard had an accomplice.
The search is on for Maddie
Finally, the search is on. Buck and Eddie drive around, while Hen and Karen try to keep Chimney calm. Chimney is sure that Amber is telling the truth — the evidence shows that Maddie ran away. It also takes Mara speaking up about Jee-yun sharing that Maddie was speaking with someone else in the house — Maddie hasn't been taken
It's only Athena who really wants to get answers at first, and she's sure that Richard didn't actually shoot himself. The autopsy shows that Richard was drugged with chloroform, and Athena believes that someone else pulled the trigger. Maddie never did convince someone to kill themselves after all, just like we suspected.
I still don't get why it's Athena who is the only one believing that something is off. Chimney is far too willing to believe Amber, a woman who barely knows Maddie. Buck points out that Maddie brought her daughter to the firestation last time; she didn't just up and leave a child on her own. Why would she just up and leave when Chimney was out? It is frustrating that too many aren't thinking about this.
The good thing for Athena is that the previous victim is still alive. It's traumatic for the poor girl, but it does lead to the confirmation that there was someone else — a woman. Of course, Richard's ex is the first suspect, especially when she's not bothered about Richard being dead, and I don't blame Athena for going down that line of questioning. When she has an airtight alibi, Athena doesn't try to beat the dead horse, but she knows there was someone else still.
I often wonder why Athena won't take the detective exam. She'd make such a great one! Throughout this episode, she figures out how to find Maddie. With that, it leads to Athena finding out that Amber was a runaway and a kidnapping victim when she was a teen. Naturally, Athena has all the clues she needs to find out that Amber is the accomplice. Finally!
Maddie looks for a way to escape in 911
With Amber running the show outside, Maddie needs to find a way to get out of the house that she’s in. She is a resourceful woman, making it possible to get out of this life-or-death situation. Amber having screens for her security cameras is a great way for Maddie to plan ahead as well. She can keep an eye on how much time she has and then put herself back the way Amber left her.
Amber decides that she needs to get rid of Maddie quickly, and that she can make it look like a suicide. Maddie decides to play along with this, asking to leave a suicide note so that her daughter knows what happened.
We keep seeing these breaks in Amber's mental state. Every now and then, the side of Amber who doesn't want to hurt people comes out, and it offers some hope that Maddie can be saved. Maddie is smart enough to realize what's going on with the split in the personalities. I hope that one thing this episode shows is that Maddie won't suffer from postnatal depression a second time, or that she won't hide it. She wants to fight and survive, so she will need to do that this second time.
Can Athena and Chimney get to Maddie in time in 911 season 8, episode 10?
It all came to a head in the last 15 minutes. Chimney was on his way to Amber's to tell her that someone else was in the house, while Athena was on her way to save Maddie.
I guess Amber never thought that she would be caught, because she takes Maddie to her own house. But then, it could also be the fact that she has split personality disorder. Serial killers also get a little too overconfident after a while, leading to Amber bringing her previous victim back from the hospital.
Maddie is able to fight back. When Chimney turns up at the house and Amber threatens him, Maddie fights back. However, things take a shocking turn as Amber gets the upper hand and slashes Maddie's throat. It's not enough to kill her right away, though, and she's able to get to Chimney. I am terrified about how this episode is going to end, though.
Athena fires the final bullet to kill Amber, while the paramedics rush to save Maddie's life. It's back to a scene in the hospital with the entire 118 around Chimney while they wait for news.
Maddie survives! That's great news, and what's even better is taht the baby (a boy!) is going to be "just fine." It's a happy ending for the Buckley-Hans.
Buck and Eddie say goodbye
The episode has to end with Eddie getting ready to leave for Texas. They are able to make up a little, with Eddie telling Buck that "you do matter to me." I'm sure it's not what the Buddie fans out there, but it is realistic for Eddie's arc.
Buck is clearly hurt by Eddie's departure. There's a lot left unsaid on Buck's side of things, but Eddie has to do what's right for Christopher. And this is what's right.
911 season 8 airs on Thursdays at 8/7c on ABC. Catch up the following day on Hulu.
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