Throughout Deal or No Deal Island season 2, we knew David Genet’s secret. However, it wasn’t until the Final 3 showdown that everyone playing the game found out the full truth. It was a great run for the reality TV star, but it came to an end a little earlier than he wanted.
Caution: There are SPOILERS in this post for Deal or No Deal Island season 2, episode 11.
It was down to the Final 3 in Deal or No Deal Island season 2, episode 11. David, Lete, and CK faced off in a race, which had obstacles and cases to take with them. Along the way, they could get help from former contestants, and that’s how David’s secret finally came out.
David Genet is a Survivor Australia winner
Dr. Will knew that there was something about David Genet. The guy just played a great game, and it was clear that he had some sort of reality TV secret.
Sure enough, we knew going into this season that David is a Survivor Australia player. He even shared in the reveal that he is considered the best Survivor player of all time. Not only has he won Survivor Australia not once but twice, but he has also won the All-Star season. The benefit of him being on Australian TV was that he could hide all of that from the other players, unlike Parvati and Dr. Will.
Dr. Will forced David’s secret out in Deal or No Deal Island
As David looked for Will’s help in an obstacle, Will made it clear that he needed something first. He wanted David to tell the truth about which game he had previously been on, and so the reveal happened. David had actually wanted to wait until the very end to share the secret, but he had to be honest with Dr. Will.
This did mean that everyone else heard it. Dickson wasn’t too happy about the reveal, realizing that he had been played a little. However, it’s all water under the bridge, and game respects game.
The final is between David and Lete. Deal or No Deal Island season 2, episode 11 saw CK go home before the reveal of the amounts in the cases. We got to see Lete’s total, but the show ended with a cliffhanger on David’s last case. We’ll find out in the final who will play The Banker.
Deal or No Deal Island will air its second season finale on Tuesday, March 25 at 9/8c on NBC.
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