Deal or No Deal Island is full of shocking and twisty moments. People are there to win millions of dollars. However, nothing quite prepared us for Storm Wilson’s exit from the series.
Storm quickly cemented himself as a fan-favorite for many people. He played a good, clean game, and he even helped fellow contestants to make sure they didn’t get eliminated. One of those he helped ended up turning around and proved that Storm made a mistake.
It’s all about Dickson. After finding out that he had the $5m case, he was allowed to pick the person to eliminate. Everyone thought he was going to pick CK, and in a shocking turn of events, he eliminated Storm. We talked with Storm about that decision, his showmance, and his favorite challenge he got to do.
Storm Wilson talks about that shock elimination in Deal or No Deal Island
Hidden Remote: How are you doing?
Storm Wilson: Pretty good after potentially losing millions of dollars. I feel like I’m alright.
HR: My heart was broken watching all of that. You quickly became a favorite for me and so many others. It was just heartbreaking to watch.
SW: Yeah, I did not see that coming in the end. I don’t think a lot of people saw that coming in the end. Honestly, I’m not even sure Dickson saw that coming. But yeah, here we are.
HR: Watching back, could you see signs that we couldn’t? Or were you still in the dark?
SW: There were a couple of times I was like, well, maybe that wasn’t the best move, maybe I could have done something better there, you know? Maybe I just didn’t give him attention here, but ultimatelik, I did a lot of things for Dickson, you know. I helped him with the sand castle challenge when I let him partner with me. I actually helped him dig his sand castle. I talked to him multiple times and gave him confidence boosters.
I was his biggest fan in Temple that night…Even if I did a couple of things wrong, I feel like the good definitely outweighed the bad.
HR: Is there anything you would have done differently now knowing how it all played out? Were you happy with the game you played?
SW: I was happy with the game I played. If I’d known I was going to leave in episode 4, I might have tried to do some more kind of big and obvious actions in the first few episodes…go to try to make a bigger splash, per se, but, I mean, my plan was to try to remain low profile, as I felt everybody saw me as a physical threat when I got to the island.
Once I was on an alliance, I had people watching my back. I could then start to ramp up my game. So, I don’t think I would have changed anything.
HR: It was a pretty clean game.
SW: Yeah, I didn’t really deceive a whole lot of people, which maybe that was my downfall. Maybe I should have been trying to trick people more, but I didn’t really deceive a whole lot…I was pretty honest with everything. My group was kind of like that, looking back at it right now.
The family’s got two Survivor legends, whose entire game is probably going to be based on what they did on Survivor, which is backstabbing. Then my team was mostly just regular people, and we were pretty against doing that. It was kind of like two forces, good vs. evil.

HR: It makes for good TV, and something else that made for that was bringing in Dr. Will. I talked with Kamari [Love] and Ben [Crofchink] and they said Dr. Will was going to come in and shake things up. What was it like for you guy to suddenly see him pop up?
SW: It was really interesting. Before I was on Deal or No Deal Island, I had been interviewing for Big Brother, and I didn’t really watch a lot of reality TV before…I was doing a little bit of research for Big Brother’s sake. I watched like one season and then I was looking up some of the best players…I remember hearing about…Dr. Will…so to see him kind of come on the island was a little surreal, but I knew exactly what he was capable of.
It was cool to see him. It was cool to hear him talk, and he’s really just an interesting person in general. But year, it was a trip seeing him on the island. I think production didn’t know exactly what they were getting in for, and if you talk to Kamari and Ben candidly, they’d say the same thing.
HR: They said he was going to turn it into his game.
SW: He did exactly that.
HR: He coined the term “showmance” and that has come up. How are things going with MG?
SW: Things are pretty good. I visited her a couple of times in LA…she might or might not be coming to Austin sometime soon…Things are good right now.
HR: Did you go in expecting a romance to come out of this, or did it just beautifully blossom?
SW: Okay, I didn’t expect to go and do a reality TV show about winning money and find a cute girl that I was funning out with on the island. However, whenever I was doing my interviews, the production team was kind of like ‘Hey, what’s your perfect girl?’
I was kind of joking, kind of series, ‘tall, dark, and handsome,’ so they got Lete, who’s tall and handsome. Then they’ve got Maria Grace, who’s dark and handsome, and so I thought that was really funny.
When we were on the boat that first day, I just started gravitating toward Maria Grace, and I think I still had a pretty good amount of gam in mind, but it definitely threw me for a bit of a loop.
HR: Is she the one you’re rooting for now?
SW: I’m definitely rooting for MG to win. I definitely was rooting for my alliance.
It was easier to choose who I didn’t want to win. Dickson’s pretty high up there, but I think Maria Grace could definitely make it pretty far. She has a good shot. I think Lete, obviously, is a great shot. She just keeps dominating these competitions and again, also somebody who plays a pretty honest game.
HR: I have to ask about when Dickson came over with his ‘fauxpology’ and said that he would still come to visit. What was going through your mind?
SW: A time and place, Dickson, time and place…
HR: You handled it all with grace. What was your favorite challenge that you got to do?
SW: The ax throwing has to be my favorite challenge…The fact that the perfect reality sort of situation happened, right? I threw an ax and I missed, and I was down on myself. Everybody had basically hit a target at this point. The only target left, of course, was my showmance. And then she gives me this perfect little massage, whispers some sweet nothings in my ear, and then the best throw of the entire day; stick it right in the middle.

HR: You said you were interviewing for Big Brother and now you’ve done Deal or No Deal Island, are there any other reality shows you’d love to do?
SW: I like a lot of NBC reality shows…A lot of people tell me that I should do The Challenge. A lot of people tell me that I should do Survivor. And a lot of people tell me that I would be all right on Love Island. Maybe if they bring MG, I’ll go on Love Island, but I don’t know.
I feel like I didn’t get a chance to show fully what I’m capable of. There was no super physically enduring tasks that I was able to just dominate other people in, so I would like to go somewhere and actually compete and show that I can do.
HR: Do The Amazing Race with MG.
SW: Yeah! MG was actually talking to me about that. The Amazing Race. We would love to do that.
This interview was condensed for publication reasons, but you can catch the entire interview in the video below:
Deal or No Deal Island airs on Tuesdays at 9/8c on NBC.
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