Gary Anthony Williams talks Judge Flobert's return in Night Court season 3 [Exclusive]

Judge Flobert is back again in Night Court season 3. Gary Anthony Williams talks about the return and more in this exclusive interview.
NIGHT COURT -- "Ab-ventures in Babysitting" Episode 305 -- Pictured: (l-r) Lacretta as Gurgs, Gary Anthony Williams as Flobert -- (Photo by: Nicole Weingart/NBC)
NIGHT COURT -- "Ab-ventures in Babysitting" Episode 305 -- Pictured: (l-r) Lacretta as Gurgs, Gary Anthony Williams as Flobert -- (Photo by: Nicole Weingart/NBC)

If there is one guest star we expect to return now and then, it’s Gary Anthony Williams. He is a lot of fun as Judge Flobert, and he will return in Night Court season 3, episode 9.

Judge Flobert has come into the story for so many reasons. He brings a fresh job and a lot of humor, and there’s no doubt that Gary Anthony Williams brings energy to the set. In fact, he brought a lot of energy to our exclusive interview, and it was so much talking all things Night Court and more!

Gary Anthony Williams talks Judge Flobert in Night Court

Hidden Remote: Let’s start with why is Judge Flobert back again?

Gary Anthony Williams: You know, you ask all the right questions! One day, I was sitting in the makeup chair and I’d just finished lunch, and John Larroquette says to me “Gary, I’ve been wondering what you are doing here.” That’s the thing with Flobert. Sometimes he’s a judge, sometimes he’s a lawyer, sometimes he’s selling real estate. Apparently he’s been involved in rap battles in the past.

He’s a man of mystery who has done every job because he doesn’t want to go home. He loves the court house so much. He doesn’t have a real job there at all. He’s just always in everybody’s business, supposedly “helping” everybody out.

So, I don’t know why he’s back, but I’m so glad. He’s one of those characters that there are no limits to his stupidity or what he can do. You will always be surprised by his past.

HR: What’s it like for you coming in now and then and having to catch up on everything that’s happened?

GAW: I try to watch when I’m not around, or I will ask Nyambi or Lacretta about what’s happening. I can always grab the scripts for the episodes, since we hang out all the time. I usually just talk to the rest of the cast and go “Wait a minute, who came in and did what?”

I missed Brent Spiner the first time he was around, so I finally got to work with him this time, because he’s going to be back.

Sometimes, I just pop by. When Mayim Bialik was in, I just popped by unexpectedly to say hi and watch her do her magic.

HR: You’re like the employee they can’t get rid of.

GAW: Exactly! I don’t know if they’re tried to get rid of him yet, but if they try, it’s not going to work.  They’ll call n HR to get rid of him, and he’ll be the guy working in HR.

HR: Judge Flobert is a bit like Wyatt—a jack of all trades and master of none.

GAW: Yeah, he’s like Wyatt but not as smart. Wyatt is studying to be a lawyer. Flobert’s already been a lawyer and a judge, so now I think he’s afraid to retire.

HR: Have you got a favorite job that he’s done that you’d love to bring back?

GAW: Did I mention that he had a quartet? My quartet was on the show once!

Then they mentioned that he was involved in a rap battle. So I would love to do something where Flobert suddenly becomes this rapper and be involved in some rap battles. I can’t imagine that he’s great at it, but I can imagine that he thinks she’s grate at it.

HR: You’d be amazing!

GAW: Right! I did do Whose Line Is It Anyway? and one of the things I do is improvise the songs. I do a lot of hip-hop. So, I would love Flobert to be rapping in there.

HR: What’s it like with the live audience around you?

GAW: It’s the next best thing to being in a play. It really has that energy, except that you get to do it over and over again, and the writers get to write you new and funnier jokes every time. I love that energy.

I like doing single cam comedies, but if I’m doing multi-cam then in front of an audience is the best. [The audience] is like another character in there. You’ve got to really listen for them and ride the wave of laughter. It gives a purpose for performing; you’re not just performing for a camera.

I love the old-school throwback feeling of it, because I few up watching the show. It adds to that as well.

Night Court airs on Tuesdays at 8:30/7:30c on NBC. Catch up on the series on Peacock.

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