Aaron pulled a Bennett on The Bachelorette season 21 episode 2 (much to Devin's annoyance)


I don't know about you Bachelor fam but the second episode of Jenn Tran's season of The Bachelorette had me rolling. We are barely into this journey of love and there's already drama. All episode Aaron Erb couldn't let go of the fact that Devin Strader pulled Jenn to the side for some gelato and one-on-one time.

While her other suitors on the group date weren't happy about his choice either, they exercised their frustrations during the comedy challenge by roasting Devin and then left it at that. Aaron confronted him not once but twice during the episode. The first time he boldly questioned Devin's character and called him by the wrong name in the process.

This led to Devin deciding to interrupt Aaron as he was having a moment with Jenn. He brought some ice cream to make light of the situation but the tension was high. Aaron vented to Jeremy Simon about what happened, and he was told to repay Devin's actions in kind so he did. Then, Devin interrupted them again. The back-and-forth wasn't something that Jenn liked, but she did appreciate that Devin is who he is and assertive about pursuing her.

The second time clearly had the powers that be pulling the strings. I say that because Aaron did to Devin what was done to his twin brother, Noah, on The Bachelorette season 16. In the middle of their talk about Devin's behavior, Aaron said he had something for him. It turned out to be a (potentially fake) book called Principles for Self-Growth by Dr. Brandon O. Conner.

Bachelor Nation members familiar with the show's lore noticed that was likely an Easter Egg planted for the enjoyment of longtime fans. Bennett, among other gag gifts he gave Noah, presented his fellow suitor with a book on emotional intelligence which was supposedly meant as an edifying gesture and not Bennett "talking down" to Noah.

Aaron said he was calling Devin out "in love" because he wants him to win in his life and do better. The moment was both audacious and amusing on top of being ridiculous. Devin rubbing the rest of the cast the wrong way didn't let up by the time the episode got to the cocktail party. He and Thomas Nguyen exchanged words and hashed it out with Jenn mere feet away.

Thomas had felt disrespected when Devin, who said he would give the other suitors their opportunity to spend time with Jenn but wouldn't move to the back of line, took his chance to speak with her first. Devin never said he wouldn't shoot his shot like he has been with Jenn but Thomas had taken his words to mean he'd let the suitors who hadn't had time with her go ahead of him.

Their encounter before the rose ceremony was heated but, despite the dust-ups, Devin, Thomas, and Aaron did receive roses, and we can count on more verbal altercations in episode 3. Fun. Stay tuned to Hidden Remote!