Japril brings us hope for second chances
I don’t like the way that Japril got together officially, but I’ll overlook that for the sake of this post. After all, it turned out that April and Jackson were just perfect for each other in the end. Oh, and no, I’m not talking about them hooking up at the time of the boards. I’m talking about April leaving Matthew at the altar for Jackson.
The two didn’t work out at first. They had their differences, and they struggled to deal with the loss of their son. Out of all the losses, the loss of a child is always going to be the hardest. That’s especially the case when it is linked to medical issues that there is no cure for and nobody to really blame. They needed each other but they couldn’t really be there for each other or allow each other in, especially April.
However, Japril show us that second chances are possible. We got to see that they were back together and they brought in a healthy baby into the world. They were able to co-parent well when they were apart, and then they found their way back to each other once more. With communication and support, it turns out that a lot in love is possible.
Calzona had a great start on the series
Up until the plane crash, Calzona was one of the best couples on the entire series. They showed us how to support each other. They gave us a chance to see what real love is all about. Arizona was there for Callie when it all came to a head with her family. She didn’t judge Callie’s parents or get angry; she shared her thoughts and her love for Callie.
Callie also showed us what sacrifice is when it comes to the “for better or for worse” and “in sickness and in health” part of marriage vows. She could have easily left Arizona to figure out life with just one leg. As Arizona became a shell of herself, Callie could have easily walked away. She was raising their daughter and dealing with the loss of Sloan. Not having Arizona by her side to help her through that was difficult, but she knew that Arizona needed her more.
Sadly, it all came crashing down at this point. We got to see what life can throw and how not all couples make it through. However, their love never really stopped, and we know the two of them have likely made things work as Arizona headed out to New York to join Callie.