Luke Leone is back on Fire Country season 2 for the conflict with Three Rock

“Get Some, Be Safe” – A vegetation fire gets complicated for the crew when a panicked horse refuses to evacuate a burning barn. Meanwhile, Vince’s brother Luke, the Cal Fire communications director, makes a surprise visit in town, on FIRE COUNTRY, Friday, Nov. 4 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. Pictured (L-R): Diane Farr as Sharon Leone and Michael Truce as Luke Leone. Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/CBS ©2022 CBS
“Get Some, Be Safe” – A vegetation fire gets complicated for the crew when a panicked horse refuses to evacuate a burning barn. Meanwhile, Vince’s brother Luke, the Cal Fire communications director, makes a surprise visit in town, on FIRE COUNTRY, Friday, Nov. 4 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. Pictured (L-R): Diane Farr as Sharon Leone and Michael Truce as Luke Leone. Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/CBS ©2022 CBS

If you've been missing Michael Trucco on Fire Country, you can count on seeing him in "A Hail Mary." The last we saw Luke Leone, he was thriving in Sharon's position as division chief in the season 2 premiere, "Something's Coming." With a new lease on life, Sharon decided she wanted to be more active in the field so she didn't return to her post after the campaign fire she'd been on. That means, though we haven't seen him, Luke has been the new DC Leone and he's about to truly flex that power.

In an interview with TVLine, Trucco shared that his character is going to make some tough decisions to ensure that Three Rock gets back into the good graces of the community of Edgewater. It'll be up to him to decide who is going to be trotted out in front of the cameras to help save the fire camp in the face of the calls for it to be closed because the institution is believed to be dangerous to the public. The choice he makes is in Eve's favor as the Captain of Three Rock but that doesn't mean everything goes to plan.

A Hail Mary
“A Hail Mary” – The future of Three Rock is in jeopardy as public opinion of the camp grows increasingly negative, on FIRE COUNTRY, Friday, April 26 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs)*. Pictured: Jules Latimer as Eve Edwards.
"That’s what I love about the dichotomy of this character they created for me, that you can’t paint Luke with one solid brush stroke. [This week] he is genuinely handing the reigns to Eve, because he loves to see her succeed, but sometimes when Luke is on a quest to do the right thing, he ‘steps in it’ and creates conflict that makes things worse. But I dig that about him."

The conflict, of course, being the tension between the protesters picketing in the midst of Eve, Manny, and Luke trying to spin the story in their favor and the situation getting out of control while a camera crew is documenting the entire thing. We know from the promo that the incident for the week will come up after Manny saves a very vocal protester from an oncoming vehicle which then hits a pole. There will be at least one person who is seriously injured and needs to be carried off on a spine board.

Trucco noted that what happens in "A Hail Mary" will impact the rest of the season going forward. This is a difficult position for Three Rock to be in and the actor described the camp as "the beating heart of the show" so if it fails it might take the whole system with it, he explained. But I do wonder if this might open the door for Fire Country to circle back to Red River, a camp that Sharon wanted to get up and running in season 1 that we haven't heard a peep about this season.

However this plot plays out, we do know that it could have major repercussions for the show's third season. Stay tuned to Hidden Remote for more news and coverage!