While it hasn't been confirmed that Lisa Yamada is leaving The Bold and the Beautiful, the narrative situation for Luna Nozawa on the soap isn't looking good. She killed two innocent men at Il Giardino--her potential biological father and her supposed friend--and she framed her mother Poppy for the crime as well as held Steffy Forrester captive with the intent to let her die in a building demolition.
Now that her misdeeds have been brought to light, and she's been arrested, Luna's time on-screen seems like it's going to be limited if not all the way over. Much of the conversation from the characters has been centered on how disturbed she is and that she needs to get professional help. Short of a major plot twist that brings back the Luna we knew before this storyline, there's very little road left for her character.
We still, however, want a young lady on The Bold and the Beautiful as the soap is in dire need of boosting the number of its younger players. Thankfully, as TV Insider has reported, sources say the hunt for an actress who can play an 18-20 year old woman is underway. They're looking to cast "Brittany," a fashionable, ethnically mixed leading lady who is described as "poised, beautiful, confident, playful, energetic, and assertive."
Out of all the descriptors, I think "assertive" is the one to look out for as this characteristic could produce an interesting dynamic between her and whoever she's paired with. Luna was bright-eyed, kind, and portrayed as quite innocent with glimpses of fire whenever she was upset. The limiting way she was written painted her into a corner at times, giving little leeway for complexity or nuance. Then, the writers went to the other extreme and turned her into a villain with barely any remorse and whose recklessness and impulsivity landed her in jail.
"Brittany" may fair better if she doesn't have to conform to a "good girl" role especially if she's meant to be a nod to Steffy's characterization back when we had far more beach shots, boardwalk moments, and scenes in bars/clubs.
Given her age, she'll likely be paired with either RJ or Will though I wouldn't rule out Zende since the soap plays fast and loose with age difference. Let's just hope that whatever happens with "Brittany" she's around for longer than a year. The Bold and the Beautiful has yet to establish their younger cast in a way that speaks to longevity on the show and they certainly need to in order to keep the series moving and growing.
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