Suits cast ages: Looking back at the start of the legal drama

Suits is one of those series that managed to stand the test of time. With nine seasons under its belt, it's time to take a trip down memory lane and see how old the actors were when the series premiered.
SUITS -- "If the Shoe Fits" Episode 905 -- Pictured: (l-r) Gabriel Macht as Harvey Specter, Sarah Rafferty as Donna Paulsen, Patrick J. Adams as Mike Ross -- (Photo by: Shane Mahood/USA Network)
SUITS -- "If the Shoe Fits" Episode 905 -- Pictured: (l-r) Gabriel Macht as Harvey Specter, Sarah Rafferty as Donna Paulsen, Patrick J. Adams as Mike Ross -- (Photo by: Shane Mahood/USA Network)

The very first episode of Suits premiered back on June 23, 2011, meaning it's been more than a decade of storytelling, legal drama, and people blackmailing Mike Ross for his lack of a law license. Few series manage to go on for such a long run (especially nowadays), but Suits made its way to fans' hearts, finding a lot of success on the way and lasting for a lengthy nine seasons.

All through the way, we've seen Mike and Harvey Specter be allies, stand at odds against each other, and even go their separate ways near the end of the series (for a while, at least). It's been a huge emotional roller coaster, but one that's very well worth it. So now that the series has come to an end (and that Mike finally has his law license) it's time to take a look back at how old the actors were when it all started more than ten years ago.

Suits - Season 9
SUITS -- "Everything's Changed" Episode 901 -- Pictured: Gabriel Macht as Harvey Specter -- (Photo by: Shane Mahood/USA Network)

Gabriel Macht as Harvey Specter

Harvey Specter is the Bruce Wayne of Suits. A charming, playboy with a lot of money who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty when needed. Gabriel Match brought a lot of layers to his performance, perfectly capturing Harvey's vulnerability when dealing with his parental traumas, but also emoting a lot of rage when fighting for his law firm.

Gabriel was born on Jan. 22, 1972, and he was 39 years old when the pilot episode of Suits was released. For comparison, he's 52 years old as of now (Feb. 2024).

Suits - Season 9
SUITS -- "One Last Con" Episode 910 -- Pictured: Patrick J. Adams as Mike Ross -- (Photo by: Shane Mahood/USA Network)

Patrick Johannes Adams as Michael Ross

Michael Ross was a brilliant student with a promising future at Harvard who blew it off by selling students the answers to exams. However, he was given a second chance by Harvey Specter, and there has been no return for him ever since. Audiences watched Mike grow from smoking weed with Trevor to getting married to Rachel after officially earning his law license. His wits saved his law firm on more than one occasion, but he was also the reason why they were attacked so often.

Patrick J. Adams portrayed the role of Mike Ross to perfection. He was born on August 27, 1981, meaning he was 29 years old when Suits first released. Nowadays the Canadian actor is 42 years old (at the time of writing this).

Suits - Season 9
SUITS -- "If the Shoe Fits" Episode 905 -- Pictured: Sarah Rafferty as Donna Paulsen -- (Photo by: Shane Mahood/USA Network)

Sarah Rafferty as Donna Paulsen

Trustworthy, smart, and incredibly charming. Everybody in Pearson Hardman (or however Suit's law firm was named throughout the years) knew they could count on Donna for even the hardest of tasks. She even became the Chief Operating Officer as seasons went by, and it was a joy to see. Most importantly, no actor could've played the part as well as Sarah Rafferty did.

Sarah was born on December 6, 1972, and she has been a recurring member of Suits ever since season one. When the series first premiered, she was 38 years old, and nowadays she's 51 years old.

Suits - Season 7
SUITS -- "Brooklyn Housing" Episode 705 -- Pictured: Meghan Markle as Rachel Zane -- (Photo by: Ian Watson/USA Network)

Meghan Markle as Rachel Zane

Rachel Zane always wanted to make a name for herself and step out of her father's shadow. Fortunately, she passed the bar exam after attending Columbia Law School and became a lawyer who went on to deal with cases of her own. Rachel was always a major player in Suits, and her relationship with Mike was one of the main plot points of the series.

Meghan Markle was born on August 4, 1981, meaning she was 29 years old when she first appeared as Rachel Zane in the first season of Suits. As of now, the Duchess of Sussex is 42 years old.

Suits - Season 8
SUITS -- "Rocky 8" Episode 811 -- Pictured: Rick Hoffman as Louis Litt -- (Photo by: Ian Watson/USA Network)

Rick Hoffman as Louis Litt

Louis Litt was, for the most part, kind of the third wheel of the law firm Pearson Specter. He had a long-time rivalry with Harvey, but he always fell second to him. However, that didn't stop Louis from finally getting his name on the wall. Better yet, his name eventually came first in the firm that was Litt Wheeler Williams Bennett (yeah, it's a complicated firm name, I know).

Rick Hoffman was the perfect actor to portray such a serious yet whimsical character. He's been a recurring character in the series since its first season when he was 41 years old. The American actor was born on June 12, 1970, and is 53 years old today (at the time of writing this).

Pearson - Season 1
PEARSON -- "The Rival" Episode 109 -- Pictured: Gina Torres as Jessica Pearson -- (Photo by: Scott Everett White/USA Network)

Gina Torres as Jessica Pearson

The leading force behind Pearson Hardman, Jessica Pearson can be a ruthless character. No wonder she made it to the top, forcing Daniel Hardman to resign on the way. While she was a recurring character from the very beginning, Jessica left the series on season 6 due to the stress and exhaustion that comes from leading a law firm.

Gina Torres was born on April 25, 1969, and she was 42 years old when Suits first premiered. As of now, the American actress is 54 years old.

Suits - Season 8
SUITS -- "Peas in a Pod" Episode 814 -- Pictured: Amanda Schull as Katrina Bennett -- (Photo by: Ian Watson/USA Network)

Amanda Schull as Katrina Bennett

While Katrina Bennett wasn't there when Suits was first released, she became a recurring character ever since season 2. She started out by helping Harvey on a case, then became Louis' associate, and she was even fired twice from the firm (only to return both times). Katrina is portrayed by Amanda Schull, who was 32 years old when Suits first premiered and 33 years old when she made her debut in the series. She was born on August 26, 1978, and is 45 years old as of now.

Suits - Season 8
SUITS -- "Peas in a Pod" Episode 814 -- Pictured: Katherine Heigl as Samantha Wheeler -- (Photo by: Ian Watson/USA Network)

Katherine Heigl as Samantha Wheeler

Samantha Wheeler was one of the latest additions to Suits. Her character didn't appear until season 8 of the series after Mike Ross left the scene. However, she remained a season regular from then until the very end of the show. Katherine Heigl was born on Nov. 24, 1978, meaning she was 33 years old when Suits premiered, 39 years old when she joined the cast in season 8, and 45 years old as of Feb. 2024.

All nine seasons of Suits are available for streaming in Netflix, Prime Video, and Peacock!