SWAT season 8 is happening, though little is known about the next season at this time

SWAT has beaten the odds for season 8 but we know less about what's coming for the new year than we'd like!
“SNAFU” – As 20-Squad scrambles to track down a cold-blooded sniper terrorizing Los Angeles, Hondo discovers a link to his own South L.A. neighborhood that brings a personal twist to the hunt for the deadly shooter. Meanwhile, Tan finds himself questioning his leadership abilities while Powell and Alfaro compete in a classic game of SWAT tag, on S.W.A.T., Friday, April 26 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on demand for Paramount+ with
“SNAFU” – As 20-Squad scrambles to track down a cold-blooded sniper terrorizing Los Angeles, Hondo discovers a link to his own South L.A. neighborhood that brings a personal twist to the hunt for the deadly shooter. Meanwhile, Tan finds himself questioning his leadership abilities while Powell and Alfaro compete in a classic game of SWAT tag, on S.W.A.T., Friday, April 26 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on demand for Paramount+ with

SWAT season 8 is coming to CBS, after all! But just what will this new year look like? It’s hard to say, but here’s what we know!

Most TV shows rarely get a second chance, let alone a third but somehow SWAT has pulled it off. Fans were rocked in May 2023 when CBS unexpectedly canceled the show just before its season 6 finale. The outcry was huge from the fans, the cast, and the producers to the point that CBS had to backtrack and order a 13 episode season 7.

The plan was for season to air in the fall of 2023 but then the Hollywood strikes hit and it put the show off for a bit. Season 7 finally debuted in February 2024 and has been shifting things up dramatically for the series. First, Street transferred to San Diego to lead the SWAT team there. Then, after being badly wounded in a shooting, Luca retired with Deacon soon following.

It was obvious the writers expected this to be the final season so it made sense to clear the way. The latest episodes have played on Hondo handling a smaller squad, with Alfaro feeling he wasn’t welcomed by Tan, and therefore didn't want to join 20 Squad. It’s logical to believe the planned series finale might be a bold change for the team.

Then CBS threw a wrench into things by unexpectedly renewing SWAT for season 8. So the question becomes, what is happening with the show now?

What could happen for SWAT season 8?

The writers are facing the rare challenge of having to undo a planned series finale for a new 22 episode season. They haven’t ruled out the chances of Street or Deacon possibly returning, although Luca’s injuries make his return more unlikely.

The logical plotline, if the season 7 finale doesn't go in another direction, is that Hondo will now be training a new SWAT team, and new cast members would be added to the team. This could be a fun dynamic, as the new actors could spark things up in different ways. Maybe we can finally get another woman joining the team to bond with Powell, and it’d be fun to see some brash rookie needing to get an education in how SWAT works. 

There’s also potential in plotlines like Hicks perhaps considering retirement himself and opening the door for Hondo to take over his spot. Even if Deacon doesn’t rejoin full-time, he and Luca can pop up in special training roles to offer their insight to the SWAT rookies. 

What hopefully won’t change is the fantastic action as a fresh wave of SWAT officers will have a different dynamic and a way of handling cases. It can play on themes of politics and how a veteran officer like Hondo deals with someone of a different generation whose view on police work isn’t as strong. 

It’s up in the air and likely there will be more announcements over the summer on any cast changes and storylines. At least we can be sure SWAT has cheated the odds once again for another year of action with fans more than happy to welcome it back.

The SWAT season 7 finale airs Friday, May 17 at 8/7c on CBS.