CBS has definitely shown that it believes in the world of The Big Bang Theory (TBBT). After all, not only did they give the show a spin-off in Young Sheldon, but now we are getting a second spin-off. And of course, it's a spin-off of Young Sheldon that will give us a look at Georgie, Sheldon's brother and his relationship with Mandy as they start their family life together.
However, even as we are getting more TBBT content, we are also saying goodbye to Young Sheldon. But while we may be sad to see the show go, it really does make sense to let the show go after this seventh season wraps up.
One of the big reasons that it makes sense to let the show go now is because the actors who have played Sheldon, Georgie, and Missy are getting older themselves. And in some ways it is hard to keep the story moving in a natural way, while also contending with the actors getting older. Obviously, they have made it work and they plan to keep going with Georgie's story. However, there is only so much we can focus on Sheldon as a child before it gets old.
It really is time to move on from Sheldon being the star of the show and if we are going to keep going in this franchise it is nice to move on to one of the less brilliant characters. While we may have enjoyed getting to see how a brainiac like Sheldon grew up and navigated being a genius as a child in a normal family, there is so much more to TBBT. The magic of the original series was all of these really smart scientists interacting with normal people. And I am sure we will still see Sheldon in the spin-off, even if he is not a main character. (Sometimes, we just need to focus on new people after all.)

Georgie has been an interesting character for a lot of reasons, especially how he deals with having a genius for a younger brother. It also helps that we rarely heard about him in the main series, while also acknowledging that in a lot of ways he helped to shape Sheldon into the adult he became. Letting Young Sheldon go in order to allow a new series to grow and expand this universe just seems wise. It allows us to still get our fix of this world and these characters, without getting stuck in a rut.
Both The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon have been brilliant at telling a great story, making us laugh, getting us to cry, and also making us feel connected to these characters. It is always hard to let a show go that you love, but it is also important not to go so long that you get tired of a show and want it to end. And I think after seven seasons, it is time for Young Sheldon to say goodbye. Plus, this is not really a goodbye since CBS is committed to giving us a spin-off.
Now we just have to hope that the spin-off is not only just as fun as Young Sheldon, but that the viewers enjoy it enough that CBS will bring it back for more than a single season. Here is hoping that the magic of the original series continues on and keeps us coming back for more with Georgie and Mandy as our leads.