The Bachelor Season 29 Episode 2: Best and worst moments

Grant Ellis's season of The Bachelor is off to a great start with Episode 2, featuring these best and worst moments!
THE BACHELOR - Ò2901Ó - Love awaits 25 extraordinary women preparing to open their hearts to Grant Ellis on the season premiere of ÒThe Bachelor.Ó With a bold, new twist on the traditional first impression rose, making a strong connection has never been more crucial. MONDAY, JAN. 27 (8:00-10:01 p.m. EST) on ABC. (Disney) 
THE BACHELOR - Ò2901Ó - Love awaits 25 extraordinary women preparing to open their hearts to Grant Ellis on the season premiere of ÒThe Bachelor.Ó With a bold, new twist on the traditional first impression rose, making a strong connection has never been more crucial. MONDAY, JAN. 27 (8:00-10:01 p.m. EST) on ABC. (Disney) KELSEY

Episode 2 of The Bachelor  Season 29 was better than the average early-season episode! We had a mall date (awesome), several musical performances (including one from Grant Ellis himself), and some romantic connections!

Let’s get to the best and worst moments of The Bachelor season 29, episode 2!

1. Best moment: Litia and Grant

Litia, the venture capitalist from Salt Lake City, was a true standout from Episode 2.

On a group date fueled by jealousy, annoyingly pointless drama, and small talk, Litia really took her talk with Grant to the next level.

She sits down with Grant and, in a healthy way, tells him she felt triggered by something he said. He said that because she was attractive, she doesn’t get told “no” a lot. In fact, she said, she does often get told no. She gave the example of the last boyfriend she had, who did not want to marry her. 

This was so refreshing. To have follow-up questions from their very first Night One meeting, when the power imbalance is so strong in Grant’s favor, is very impressive!

Litia said she just wanted to “clarify a little bit,” and Grant apologized for saying that. 

I also love that it led to Grant asking to get to know her better, asking if it was a “no” that brought her here. 

Litia got emotional, saying that she is “sick of dating.” She said she “always forgets to ask them until it’s too late and [she] love[s] them.” So relatable!! I think a lot of viewers could relate to this.

Litia said she felt “seen” and “hopeful” at the end of the conversation. She really brought out the best in Grant! 

She’s now in my top spot! Best moment of Episode 2!

2. Worst moment: "Can I steal him" drama

Group Date #1 basically devolved into a fight between Zoe and Alli Jo. Honestly, I just wasn't super interested in the tension here. It came across as more boring than fun drama. I'm no stranger to drama on The Bachelor; we all know it's necessary. But drama is usually more fun when we know the people involved a little better. It's just too early in the season for me to care if Zoe or Alli Jo got more time. Worst moment!

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