The Bachelor Season 29 Episode 3: Who was eliminated?

Grant Ellis had to send a few ladies home on Episode 3 of The Bachelor Season 29. Who was eliminated!
THE BACHELOR Ð ABCÕs ÒThe BachelorÓ stars Grant Ellis. (Disney/Ricky Middlesworth)
THE BACHELOR Ð ABCÕs ÒThe BachelorÓ stars Grant Ellis. (Disney/Ricky Middlesworth) GRANT ELLIS

We’re already at Week 3 of The Bachelor Season 29! Grant Ellis’s season is off to a good start so far. 

Grant is really holding his own this season, surrounded by more tears than we’ve ever seen this early on. This episode, we had two romantic (and/or terrifying) one-on-one dates, and a large, Mean Girl group date! 

Unfortunately, a few girls did not get the chance to continue on. Always sad to say goodbye!

So who was eliminated from The Bachelor season 29, episode 3?

1. Beverly

So this one was actually not an eliminated. Beverly was set to receive one of the one-on-one dates, but it turns out she was very sick! So sick, in fact, that she went home permanently. Hope she’s okay!

2. Bailey

When Carolina told Grant what “someone” on the group date had told her, his first guess was Bailey. When I heard that, I figured she wasn’t long for this show! 

All the Grant Bucks in the world couldn’t save her. 

Bailey said “I wish I didn’t cry so much” during her exit interview. I don’t blame her; it’s a crazy environment!

3. Chloie

I really liked Chloie! She said she felt like she missed her chance due to all the other stuff going on. I feel like she could’ve been such a fun person on this season going forward!

4. Alli Jo

We didn’t get to see much of a connection with Alli Jo and Grant, so this wasn’t a huge surprise. She was involved with drama, so I figured she might stick around for a while, but Week 3 or 4 is usually the cut-off for that!

The most surprising thing: Rose did end up getting rose! Shocking. At the Rose Ceremony, we learned that Rose had apparently told Carolina that Grant said he was thinking of her (Rose) while dancing with Carolina on episode 2’s group date. When Grant asked her about it, she maintained that was something she heard him say. Very strange! 

It’s possible she really did mishear him. In any case, it’s possible/probably Grant was forced by the producers to keep her around.