The Bachelor Season 29 Episode 6: Who was eliminated?

Episode 6 of The Bachelor had Grant Ellis visiting the hometowns of the final four women, and sending one of them home.
THE BACHELOR Ð ABCÕs ÒThe BachelorÓ stars Grant Ellis. (Disney/Ricky Middlesworth)
THE BACHELOR Ð ABCÕs ÒThe BachelorÓ stars Grant Ellis. (Disney/Ricky Middlesworth) GRANT ELLIS

It was Hometown Week on episode 6 of The Bachelor Season 29, and one woman was sent home.

This episode had Grant jetting all over the country, from Massachusetts to New York City to Wyoming to Chicago! This season has flown by. I’ve said it before, but Hometowns used to be episode 8, not episode 6. What happened??

This was a very strange Hometown episode. On two of the dates, Grant met friends instead of parents. But truthfully, that didn’t bother me as much as the fact that I still don’t feel as though I know any of these women, much less Grant himself. 

Rant over!

Going into Hometowns, our remaining ladies were Litia, Juliana, Dina, and Zoe. Who was eliminated in The Bachelor season 29, episode 6?

The Bachelor season 29, episode 6 elimination: Dina

Dina had a very interesting journey this season! The Chicago lawyer from a big family had a one-on-one that went swimmingly well, midway through the season. She and Grant seemed to fit well, but the romance just wasn’t really there.

On her hometown date, Dina nervously revealed to Grant that her family would not be a part of the episode. She told him her dad is very into the church and is a deacon, and her family is overall very traditional. Seems like Dina has fallen pretty far from the tree in coming on this show!

Grant seemed decently upset by this, but handled it well. Safe to say he wasn’t choosing her anyway, so the family was right to be guarded! Dina and Grant seemed to have a good time in Chicago, hanging with her friends and visiting a game-filled pumpkin patch!

Upon sending her home, Grant told Dina that she had “taught him what to look for in a woman.’ I guess he’s looking for something that’s not her! 

Farewell, Dina! We hardly knew you. 

The Bachelor season 29 airs Mondays at 8/7c on ABC.

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