Watson season 1, episode 6 recap and review: Can Stephens save his camgirl?

Stephens shares he pays for a camgirl in Watson season 1, episode 6 and proves he's the best catch in the process.
“The Camgirl Inquiry” - Stephens musters the courage to ask Watson to help him when his camgirl suddenly collapses during a video call but he does not know anything about her real life, so the team must act quickly to locate her before it’s too late. Meanwhile, Watson grapples with guilt over Sherlock’s death and Sasha has doubts about her relationship, on the CBS original series WATSON, Sunday, March 16 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network and streaming on Paramount+ (live and
“The Camgirl Inquiry” - Stephens musters the courage to ask Watson to help him when his camgirl suddenly collapses during a video call but he does not know anything about her real life, so the team must act quickly to locate her before it’s too late. Meanwhile, Watson grapples with guilt over Sherlock’s death and Sasha has doubts about her relationship, on the CBS original series WATSON, Sunday, March 16 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network and streaming on Paramount+ (live and

Stephens got some time to shine in Watson season 1, episode 6, bringing us a story that was more than just figuring out where a camgirl lived. Meanwhile, we got to see more of Ingrid and Sasha, as their personalities and flaws shone through.

Caution: This post contains SPOILERS for Watson season 1, episode 6.

The new episode promised us a look at who Stephens was “dating.” It turns out that he’s seeing a camgirl, and there is a hint that this online transactional relationship could have turned into something more. In the end, though, Stephens proved that he could be the best catch, but he is clearly focused on his work.

Finding the camgirl was just the first part of Watson season 1, episode 6

The episode started with us learning that Stephens paid for a “relationship” with a camgirl he knew as Porsche. He took interest in her medical health as he could see her struggling, but it was only when she collapsed that he knew he had to tell John and the others about how he knew this woman. This led to some detective work from all of them.

They could only use the items seen in Porsche’s apartment, which hinted at a huge interest in Shakespeare. That was where her camgirl name came from, although most people wouldn’t be smart enough to piece all that together. It helped Stephens a little, but that just gave him a way to form a connection with her.

It was a different painting that told the group roughly where Porsche lived, and that led to a name, Annie Wilson. From there, Stephens was able to figure out that something she did tell him was true, but it didn’t help too much to find her. They needed to know what she’d changed her name to when filing a restraining order against her ex, and that meant turning to Stephens’s ex/Adam’s current girlfriend. She’s a lawyer and could help.

Stephens was willing to meet with his ex to get some answers. He didn’t need to. I don’t get why Adam couldn’t have just gone to share the details and then left. He knew just as much information as Stephens, after all. I think this was more about giving the audience a chance to meet the woman who left one twin for the other and seems to show no remorse. Let me say, I don’t like her!

The Camgirl Inquiry
“The Camgirl Inquiry” - Stephens musters the courage to ask Watson to help him when his camgirl suddenly collapses during a video call but he does not know anything about her real life, so the team must act quickly to locate her before it’s too late. Meanwhile, Watson grapples with guilt over Sherlock’s death and Sasha has doubts about her relationship, on the CBS original series WATSON, Sunday, March 16 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network and streaming on Paramount+ (live and

What’s wrong with Annie/Porsche/Kathryn?

It takes the dog moving the camera accidentally to actually get the name Annie now goes by. She goes by the name of Kathryn Pertuchio, which helps to narrow down the search considerably. There is only one Kathryn Pertuchio out there. That leads to 911 getting into the apartment to get Kathryn to the hospital.

The mystery isn’t over, though. It turns out that she doesn’t have a urinary tract infection like everyone had started to believe. They needed to get to the bottom of the illness, which was where Stephens was able to shine again. He shared something that Porsche/Annie told him about growing up on a rabbit farm in New Mexico.

When something sounds far-fetched, you should know that it’s the true part of the story. So, while Ingrid is sure that this isn’t true, Stephens and others go to work on finding out anyone potentially related to Annie Wilson around New Mexico.

Eventually, Stephens is able to talk to Annie’s mom, who confirms that the rabbit farm is real. Annie was bitten by a rabbit recently, and now the team has the diagnosis. She has the plague, and while that would have killed her, it turned out that she had a genetic mutation to the plague that allowed her to survive for some time.

Great! Now they can all treat her, and it means Annie and Stephens can live happily forever after, right? Well, not quite. In all of this, Stephens notes that something has changed in him. There’s a peace about him now that the team knows his secret, and I hope that this means that he can be more of himself and bring more of his personality to work. I would also love to see Stephens and Annie explore something, but then that brings the idea that she owes him in some sort of way for saving her life.

The Camgirl Inquiry
“The Camgirl Inquiry” - Stephens musters the courage to ask Watson to help him when his camgirl suddenly collapses during a video call but he does not know anything about her real life, so the team must act quickly to locate her before it’s too late. Meanwhile, Watson grapples with guilt over Sherlock’s death and Sasha has doubts about her relationship, on the CBS original series WATSON, Sunday, March 16 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network and streaming on Paramount+ (live and

Sasha is not the author of the universe in Watson

A side storyline offers Sasha and Ingrid more time together, giving the two a chance to form a sort of friendship. Sasha has always tried to control situations, and Ingrid is done with it. So, when Sasha decides to buy Ingrid a cake for her birthday, Ingrid goes off on one about how Sasha writes the stories in her head to control her life.

I find it interesting that Ingrid views Sasha as an author and not the main character in a story. I think that’s somewhat worse, as the author controls everyone and is the puppet master. To be viewed as a puppet master pulling all the strings indicates that there are some serious flaws in your personality.

Sasha is a little like that, but I don’t think it’s intentional to be evil or have everything go her own way. She just wants to have some control over her life, and I sense that that comes from a disordered childhood. The talk with Ingrid is just what Sasha needs to break off her relationship and send her boyfriend packing, because he clearly doesn’t want to get married.

When she calls Ingrid to hang out, Ingrid makes it clear that she wants to spend her birthday alone. They can hang out the next day. With Sasha accepting that, we get a sense that these two women are trying to change for the better. They can see their own flaws, and they want to grow to not completely get rid of their flaws, but to make them lesser of their personalities.

Watson airs on Sundays at 9/8c on CBS.

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