‘Shadowhunters’ Season 2, Episode 5 Recap: ‘Dust And Shadows’

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Dust And Shadows, shadowhunters
Photo Credit: Freeform/John Medland Acquired From Freeform Press Site /

Simon’s Struggles & Malec Moments

Simon returns home and bear-hugs his mother. He tries to warn her that he will sleep all day and be up all night, but she is just so excited to have him home that she doesn’t process what he’s saying. She even wants to invite Clary and Jocelyn over for dinner. Simon is clearly thinking of Raphael’s warning that Simon’s immortality will lead him to forget his mother, which makes the scene even more heartbreaking.

Meeting with Aldertree, Jace learns that he is banned from any kind of field duty. Aldertree wishes that Jace had let Valentine’s men kill him, in order to save the soul-sword from being taken, and Aldertree is seeking out the Iron Sisters to learn more.

It looks like Alec went to Magnus’ apartment after jumping from the top of the Institute. Magnus finds Alec on the fire escape and realizes that Alec is punishing himself with physical and emotional pain, unwilling to use a healing rune.

“You’ll blow up the very ground you stand on to make something right.”

Magnus encourages Alec to face Clary, reminding Alec that it’s in his nature to do the right thing, saying, “You’ll blow up the very ground you stand on to make something right.”

Sleeping in his room with the blinds shut, Simon hears knocking at his door. It’s his sister Becky, and he’s so excited to see her, but when she tries to open up the blinds, he panics.

Becky gets suspicious and spots a thermos on his desk. Fearing that he’s becoming an alcoholic like their mother had been, she opens the bottle and realizes that it’s human blood. She takes it away from him and announces that she’s dumping down the toilet, convinced that something else is the matter with her little brother.