We’ll see a lot more of Miguel and Sophie in This Is Us season 2

THIS IS US -- "Jack Pearson's Son" Episode 115 -- Pictured: Alexandra Breckenridge as Sophie -- (Photo by: Ron Batzdorff/NBC)
THIS IS US -- "Jack Pearson's Son" Episode 115 -- Pictured: Alexandra Breckenridge as Sophie -- (Photo by: Ron Batzdorff/NBC) /

Jon Huertas and Alexandra Breckenridge, who play Miguel and Kevin’s ex-wife Sophie, respectively, will be series regulars on This Is Us.

If Miguel really did murder Jack, we’re going to get to see a lot more of motive, planning and run-from-the-law in season 2. Jon Huertas, actor who plays Miguel, has been promoted to a series regular for season 2 as has Alexandra Breckenridge, who plays Kevin’s ex-wife Sophie. The news comes from Entertainment Weekly and we’re already speculating what this could mean for the storylines and plot arc of season 2.

Like Beth, William (RIP),and Toby, Miguel and Sophie provide a valuable outside perspective on the Pearson family — especially as it relates to how the family’s supreme closeness and shared heartbreak affects the lives of those around them. As much as we love the Pearsons, their loved ones are essential to the family’s story.

Huertas (and Miguel) appeared in 11 episodes of season 1. The bump to series regular follows rather logically from the rumors that season 2 will reveal answers about Jack’s death as well as how Miguel came to be married to his best friend’s widow (!) in the present day.

Arguably more surprising is Breckenridge’s promotion. Kevin and Sophie’s future was left quite unclear at the end of season 1. After re-committing to their relationship and a life in New York, Kevin was seen taking off to Los Angeles to audition and film a Ron Howard (!) movie.

There’s much we’re left wondering about Sophie and Kevin’s past — from their childhood (and presumably teen) love story to the dissolution of their marriage. All of that will be told in flashbacks, but the move to series regular does suggest Sophie will continue to play a prominent role in Kevin’s current day storyline.

In any case, we trust Dan Fogelman and crew to make the most of the characters the new series regulars bring to their arsenal.