The Orville: Four funniest moments of About a Girl

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It’s time for Yaphit to get some of the spotlight, and he takes full advantage of every opportunity.

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Yaphit (Norm MacDonald) has been in sick bay multiple times this week. At first glance, he appears to be a hypochondriac. In fact, Dr. Claire Finn (Penny Jerald) is dismissing every possible WebMD self-diagnosis he gives himself.

He says there is fluid loss. She calls BS.

Next, he complains of a nasty cough, and he imitates a cough people try when the want to get out of work. Dr. Finn notes his lack of lungs, and the impossibility of a cough problem. “You don’t have lungs, which means you don’t have a cough.” She even tells him that she is aware of his ulterior motives.

Consequently, Yaphit drops the hammer. He asks Dr. Finn out on a date, despite the fact that he looks like a pile of spilled, translucent Jello with a Mr. Potato Head mouth plastered on the front.

Claire mentions their obvious incompatibility.

Yaphit thrusts out a slimy appendage from his gelatinous body.

  • Yaphit: “Eh? There’s more where that came from.”

Did he really just produce a jello penis for the doctor to admire?

Dr. Finn kicks him out of med-bay. Yaphit will definitely hit on Dr. Finn again. Personally, I hope each successive advance is more cringe-worthy than the previous one.