Gold Rush exclusive: Meet the woman tasked with keeping the miners’ language in check during Friday’s LIVE Gold Rush

Photo Credit: Gold Rush/Discovery Channel Image Acquired from Discovery PR

This Friday, Gold Rush is going live in celebration of its 2-hour season premiere and we’ve got your exclusive look at the magic that goes into keeping the mine bosses in check.

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Get ready for yet another memorable season with the gold miners of Discovery Channel’s No. 1 rated series because Gold Rush is back for another season fueled by the competitiveness of Todd Hoffman and Parker Schnabel!

Before the new mining season begins, Todd decides to make a massive bet with Parker that he will pull the most gold this season and he’s going big with his bet. Should Todd lose, he’ll owe Parker 100 ounces of gold worth more than $100,000! Needless to say, with the stakes higher than ever, the two long-time rivals are in for their most competitive season of mining yet – one which is sure to keep Gold Rush fans glued to their screens all season long.

After a dismal season the previous year, Todd and his crew – which will including his father, Jack, and his 18-year-old son, Hunter this season – have their work cut out for them but Todd has his eye on the prize and won’t go down without a fight. This year, Todd will be running three plants at the same time, a challenge never before achieved by any miner on the show!

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Meanwhile in the Klondike, Parker will look to finally buy his freedom through a deal on new virgin ground which will allow him to cut ties with Tony Beets – who Parker has been forced to pay $2.3 million in royalties over the past four years. He’ll first have to get his ice-bound wash plant Big Red up and running, though, as every day that is spent not sluicing is a day which both Todd and Tony’s lead in the race for gold widens. (Though we’ve al heard the story of the Tortoise and the Hare so perhaps slow and steady will be the key to winning the gold mining race as well!)

Needless to say, Season 8 of Gold Rush will be one of the show’s most-intense and competitive seasons yet but before the season officially kicks off Discovery Channel is rounding up viewers’ favorite miners for a special live event which will kick off the premiere night festivities! In the live 1-hour special, Todd, Parker and Tony will come together to reflect upon Season 7 while also answering Facebook questions and real-time audience phone calls from the show’s loyal fans.

As long-time viewers know, the Gold Rush miners don’t hold back, always speak their minds and often have no filter – especially when it comes to cursing. Enter Caroline, the woman with the difficult job of censoring the miners’ cursing live on air.

In our exclusive sneak peek clip, we make our way to Discovery’s broadcast center in Sterling, Virginia where delay boss Caroline keeps the boys in check.

"“I’ve seen the show and believe me, I know what I’m up against,” Caroline admits. “As soon as I hear a curse word, I count down five seconds and press [the audio mute button]. [This is] going to be a big challenge. For a delay op, this is my Olympics.”"

Fear not, though, Gold Rush fans for Caroline is ready to keep the guys in check throughout the live the broadcast!

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Don’t miss the special Gold Rush Live event Friday, Oct. 13 at 8/7c on Discovery Channel followed by the 2-hour Season 8 premiere! 

Will you be tuning into Discovery Channel’s Gold Rush Live event ahead of the Season 8 premiere? Want to make any wagers as to whether Tony or Parker will win the bet by mining the most gold this season? Keep the conversation going in the comments section below and don’t forget to tune in this Friday night.