Homestead Rescue finale exclusive: Have the Raneys finally met their match?

Photo Credit: Homestead Rescue/Discovery Channel Image Acquired from Discovery PR

This Wednesday on the season finale of Homestead Rescue, the Raneys face their most difficult challenge yet when helping a family in tornado alley.

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Throughout the latest season of Homestead Rescue the Raney family have overcome several obstacles in order to help struggling homesteaders turn their homestead around. However, the family’s latest challenge might prove to bb their biggest yet and just might be the obstacle that proves to be unsolvable!

It all begins when the Raneys make their way out to Missouri’s tornado alley where they hope to help one young couple with no food, water or power, terrified by a bear and at the mercy of killer storms. Hoping to take care of all of the obstacles in the way, the family look to divide an conquer to cover as much ground as possible in the shortest amount of time.

Marty first aims to cut down the trees which possess dangers to the homestead and its residents while Misty sets her sights on eliminating the ticks plaguing the family while introducing a food source they can rely upon as Matt looks to gift the family with power.

After spending a few days on the homestead, the Raneys soon begin to realize that the troubles they’re looking to remedy might be too much to handle as they must deal with setback after setback. Looking for assistance in achieving their rescue, the team calls in help from Richard’s brothers who arrive just in time to help move two 10-ton culverts into place to make what could be a life-saving shelter – which is where we join the Raneys in our exclusive sneak peek from tonight’s finale!

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With the culverts on site and ready to be transported, it’s time to move them off of the truck bed which proves to be quite the difficult task as the first culvert is in danger of sliding off the truck before it can be put in place. It’s an extremely difficult task and as Marty puts it, “There’s zero margin for error on this one.”

Through some quick thinking, Marty finds a way to get the culverts off of the truck but that proves to be the first of many challenges.

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Don’t miss the season finale of Homestead Rescue tonight, Dec. 27, at 9/8c on Discovery Channel! 

Are you looking forward to seeing if the Raneys will be able to achieve their plan and help the young couple get their lives back on track in order to provide them with a safe homestead? Keep the conversation going in the comments section below and don’t forget to tune in tonight to watch the final hour of the season unfold.