Landry knows where he must go to locate grail, France goes to war and Parsifal makes a shocking discovery that is life-threatening.
After learning from the Brotherhood of Light where Godfrey had hidden the Grail, Landry returns to the place where he had first met his former master. Along with Gawain, the two Templar Knights make their way to the orphanage only to find that it has been burnt to the ground.
Assuming that the Grail has been reduced to ash as well Landry is starting to believe that Tancrede was right. That God does not want the grail to be found. After making the sad discovery the two return to Paris.
Upon his return, Landry immediately seeks out an audience with the pope. Explaining all that has happened, the capture by the brotherhood, the exchange of brother Tancrede for information, to the destruction of the orphanage and potentially the loss of the grail.
The pope is far from pleased how things have transpired, he orders Landry to return to the temple and resume his normal duties as temple master.

It is while Landry is conducting these duties that he learns that Queen Joan has made it publically known that she is with child. On learning this news he makes his way immediately to the castle to see her, upset that he effectively has no more time to make plans for the two and their unborn child.
He doesn’t get to tell her much as they are almost immediately interrupted by the news that Navarre has been invaded by Joan’s cousin, the Queen of Catalonia. King Phillip immediately calls an assembly of his council to make preparations and gather the army.
In total it should take approximately two weeks to organize everything and get to Navarre, something Joan is not pleased with. She feels that they need to make their way now. Phillip attempts to calm her down but it does little to no good. She accuses Phillip of being weak and not capable to do what needs to be done. Phillip puts her attitude down to her pregnancy but has no choice but to confine her to her chambers for the outburst.
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Later that night, Phillip pays a visit to Joan in her chamber. However, Philip is greeted by an empty room. Joan, showing defiance to the King has fled and has made her way to Navarre.
It’s not long until Landry learns of Joan’s defiance. He offers his services in seeking her out and bringing her back safely to the castle. Phillip declines the offer; he has already taken steps to having her returned. He does, however, have another request that Landry could help with.
He wishes to walk amongst his people and drink.
Both Phillip and Landry, dressed as commoners so that no one will recognize them, visit a bar and begin to drink. Phillip, clearly desperate to drown his sorrows, can’t help but vent his frustration at Landry.
The two continue drinking away getting more and more drunk until another patron knocks Phillip’s drink out of his hand as he walks past. No longer wanting to hold back anymore, Phillip confronts him and demands that the man buy him another.
Not interested in doing so the two exchange insults at one another until they start fighting. It doesn’t take long after the first punch is thrown for both Landry and Phillip to be the ones to spark off a whole bar fight.

Despite the nasty turn of events, Phillip confesses afterwards that he has never felt so alive. That he has never felt like he has had so much freewill before.
Parsifal, still desperately trying to find out who the murderer of his fiancée, Roland is working for, is caught beating him to within an inch of his life by Draper.
Parsifal is told that this needs to end. That he must put the past behind him and give himself to god if he wishes to truly become a Templar. Unwilling to give up so easily he makes his case that Roland is working for someone and that they must find out whom. Draper tells him that it no longer matters; for he will be transferred soon to another Temple where he is wanted for other crimes.
In disbelief at what he is hearing, Parsifal leaves to ponder what he should do. He visits the tree that he placed his fiancee’ ring on, in the hope that it would help him move on and takes it back; the past cannot be left behind.
Oath Breaker
Returning from his night of boozing with the King, Landry staggers back to the temple and locates Gawain, who can smell the drink coming from him. Landry, desperately wanting to talk, confesses to Gawain everything.
That he is an oath breaker. That he has been with a woman, a married woman. That he has fathered a child with her. That he must give up his position as master. The only thing he does not confess is who the woman is.
Gawain is not exactly pleased with what he is hearing from his master but convinces him that he cannot give up. He cannot surrender his role as master. That he is the best possible person to locate the grail.
Landry, after hearing Gawain’s kind words, decides to repay a visit back to the orphanage to see if anything has been left behind regarding the Grail.
The Seed of Deceit
De Nogaret, who only just managed to evade the hangman’s noose for his crimes against the crown, has still remained in contact with Gawain. He too is desperate to find the grail for his own means and plants the seed of deceit in Gawain’s head in order to use him to find it.
After learning of Landry’s confession from Gawain he further instills that seed by telling him that Landry cannot be trusted. That after Landry finds the grail he will not let Gawain uses it to drink from it and heal himself, that only De Nogaret is his friend in all this.
Joan’s arrival
Joan eventually arrives in Navarre. She is greeted by the governor and requests a meeting with the nobles immediately. She is advised that this can be done but is asked if she is sure of this request, the nobles may not be too happy to see her.

Landry returns to the orphanage in search of the hope that the grail may not be truly lost. During his search, he spots a familiar figure off to the side. The very same beggar woman that he and Gawain spotted on their first visit.
This time she approaches and greets Landry by name. Taken aback that this stranger knows him, Landry demands to know who on earth she is. She explains that she is the one that burned down the orphanage. That it was on the instructions left by Godfrey to do so in the event of his death.
She has since been waiting for Landry to arrive but not could not approach the first time as he was with Gawain. For Landry cannot trust anyone, that if he is to locate the grail, everyone will turn on him.
Adamant that he can trust his fellow brother’s he asks if she can lead him to the grail. She can and she will. They will leave first thing in the morning. Landry agrees but insists that they return to the temple where he will inform Gawain of the changes.
Roland is collected for transfer to another Temple by an unknown guard, covered, head to toe in armour. Everything seems fine however as the guard has been accepted as the one charged with the collection of the prisoner Roland. It’s not until Roland is far from the Temple that we discover that something is not right. The guard is no guard, but Parsifal.
Unwilling to let matters go, Parsifal demands to know who it is that Roland is working for. Roland remains quiet and refuses to talk. That is until Parsifal swings an axe deep into his belly. Now Roland has a choice, tell Parsifal who it is and receive a quick, merciful death, or refuse and die in agony.
Roland decides to give up the name. He whispers it into his ear and we can see that Parsifal is clearly shocked at who it is. Satisfied with the information though, Parsifal swings the axe one more time, putting Roland out of his misery.

As Landry and Gawain prepare to once again leave in the hope of locating the grail, Gawain, confronts Landry on what will happen when they find it. Will he let Gawain drink from it in order to heal his wounds? Landry’s response is not what Gawain was hoping for. He will not let Gawain drink from the grail. Explaining that we are meant to bear the suffering we are given by God.
The next morning arrives and Landry, Gawain and their guide set off immediately to where the grail resides. They are led to a covenant where Landry is surprisingly reunited with mother superior, the woman who raised him.
She greets them and welcomes them to their home and points the way to the grail. Only Landry and Gawain can venture forth however and the two head down a dark passage. At the end, they are greeted by an orange tree. They both look curiously at what they have found when Landry spots a familiar object within the tree: A box, the very same one that Godfrey had stored the grail in when Landry was a boy. He takes it down and inside, finds the grail. After fifteen years Landry is reunited with the grail. That is when Gawain draws his sword and swings at Landry.
The fight doesn’t last very long. Landry, suspicious that Gawain would do this, disarms him with ease and knocks him unconscious.
Joan’s meeting with the nobles gets immediately off on the wrong foot. They are neither happy to be addressed by a woman, that the King has not come himself and that no army has been sent to aid in the fight to come.
Joan, not pleased herself with how she is being treated by the nobles, puts her foot down and regains control of the matter and puts them in their place when a package is delivered from the Queen of Catalonia, a bag of severed hands.
Surprised by this Joan immediately asks to organise a parley.
Landry returns with the grail and without Gawain to the covenant. He tells them all what he intends to do with the grail which none of them agree on but none so much as the woman who led them to the grail. She is certain that if Landry carries out this plan, he will die.
She can’t see this happen, so demands to go with him. Landry is confused at why she is persistent. Because I am your mother she says.

Connect the dots
De Nogaret, still evading capture, is wandering the streets of Paris when he overhears about the Queen’s pregnancy. Surprised at first at this announcement, he slowly begins to connect the dots by recalling everything he has witnessed, that Queen Joan is carrying Landry’s child.
Parsifal’s return
Returning with the information that he had discovered from Roland, Parsifal is desperately seeking Landry. He runs into his fellow Templar initiate asking him where he is. He informs Parsifal that he has gone from the temple. Parsifal begins to panic and explains what he has done and what he has learned.
The initiate is shocked at what Parsifal is telling him when he thrusts a sword into his belly, killing, and effectively silencing, Parsifal.
Next: Has the History Channel given the go-ahead for Knightfall season 2?
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