Knightfall, episode 8 recap: IV

Photo Credit: Knightfall/History Channel, Larry Horricks Image Acquired from A+E Networks Press Center
Photo Credit: Knightfall/History Channel, Larry Horricks Image Acquired from A+E Networks Press Center /

Landry has returned with the Holy Grail, but is it truly safe or has he made a terrible error?

With the Grail now safe and on its way to the temple, what will fall off it now? Will Landry follow the path Godfrey had set out or will he choose his own? Will Navarre receive reinforcements in time and what will De Nogaret do with the information he has obtained about the Queen’s pregnancy?

Here’s what happened in episode 8, “IV.”


Queen Joan and her cousin, Queen Eleanor of Catalonia, meet one another, under the agreement of parley, on the edge of the battlefield. Joan attempts to convince Eleanor to stand down but it is futile. She wishes to bury her son next to her grandfather within the castle that Joan occupies.

Joan, happy to oblige such a request is more than forthcoming until she hears what further demands Eleanor has. She demands restitution for the death of her son, something Joan cannot give. Joan tries to negotiate further but it is too late. King Phillip has already sent word that he is no longer sending troops to Navarre meaning that any leverage Joan had is now gone, she is now alone, abandoned.

Photo Credit: Knightfall/History Channel, Larry Horricks Image Acquired from A+E Networks Press Center
Photo Credit: Knightfall/History Channel, Larry Horricks Image Acquired from A+E Networks Press Center /


Upon finally finding the Holy Grail, Landry returns to the temple. He is greeted and cheered by all the Templars when they release that it is true. Landry has found and returned the Holy Grail to them. Retiring himself to the chapel he explains to Draper about Gawain’s betrayal upon finding the Grail.

It is then that Parsifal absence is noticed. No one has realised that the young Templar has actually been murdered. So when Draper explains of the scroll that Parsifal had found with the notorious IV, initialled on them Landry sends out every available Knight he has to find and bring Parsifal back.

As the Knight’s depart Landry seeks answers from his newly reunited mother. Where has she been? What has she been doing? And why is it only now that she has decided to reunite herself with her abandoned son. He fails to get any answers for as soon as he asks the questions another unexpected guest has returned, Rashid.

Photo Credit: Knightfall/History Channel, Larry Horricks Image Acquired from A+E Networks Press Center /


Rashid, along with Landry’s mother, attempt to persuade him that steps must be taken in order to ensure that the Grail remains safe. That a plot is afoot and that unless he takes the steps that Godrey had set out, the Grail could end up in the wrong hands. Landry is not interested in what they have to say. He plans to make his own decision and return the Grail to the pope.

De Nogaret, still on the run but plotting his return to power, meets with a man who can attain an army of mercenaries.  All he needs is the money and to do that he needs an audience with the King.

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Pope Boniface VIII arrives at the temple and Landry immediately took him to the Grail. He is overwhelmed when he sees that Landry has succeeded in finding and returning the Grail to the church. Wishing to travel with him, Landry offers to escort the pope to Rome.

Declining Landry’s offer, he explains that with the Grail the church will now be able to launch a fresh crusade to the Holy Land. It’s something that Landry feared and was warned would happen. With all the death and destruction that would occur Landry has his doubts. The pope eases his conscience telling him that this is the right thing to do, that it is the Saracens poisoning his mind that is making him think like this.

Taking charge of the Grail the Pope and his temple guard turn and leave. As they exit, one by one, Landry spots that each of the guards has a Roman numeral etched into their armour. The number IV is missing.


Quickly putting all the pieces together Landry rounds up Draper, Rashid, his mother and what other Knights remaining and confronts the Pope. IV is part of the Popes own personal guard. The pope is the one behind everything that has happened.

Confirming Landry’s suspicions the Pope explains everything to Landry. How he had Godfrey killed in order to find the Grail, that he intends to use it to launch a fresh crusade, to unite Europe and have no heretics or Kings. All following and bowing to god, and in effect, him.

The Pope then turns and flees under the protection of his guard. Landry and his men cannot pursue him fast enough and the Pope manages to flee aboard his carriage with the Grail. The Grail is once again lost.

Photo Credit: Knightfall/History Channel, Larry Horricks Image Acquired from A+E Networks Press Center
Photo Credit: Knightfall/History Channel, Larry Horricks Image Acquired from A+E Networks Press Center /


Growing ever more concerned that her cousin, Queen Eleanor has not attacked, Joan ponders the fact that her people will no doubt see her as weak and wonders what her next steps must be. Before she even arrives at a possible answer she is summoned to a war council meeting.

Confused why one has been organised without her authority she accompanies the governor to the great hall. Upon her entry, she discovers the room full and Queen Eleanor on her throne. She has been overthrown and betrayed by her own governors.

With Eleanor now in control she reminds Joan what she wants. Restitution for her son’s death, therefore, Joan must choose. Isabella, who is strongly suspected of having a hand in her son’s death, die, or her unborn child, one must die, a life for a life.


De Nogaret manages to gain an audience with the King via the aid of his former secretary. King Phillip is far from pleased and calls for his guards but before De Nogaret is taken away he shouts out what he has discovered.

It catches the attention of the King and De Nogaret grabs his chance. He tells him of the impending danger of the Pope and how he will overthrow the King, that in preparation for this eventuality he has mustered an army of mercenaries who are ready to fight and protect the King.

He also reveals that he has discovered that his wife has been unfaithful, that the child growing in her womb is not Phillip’s but Landry’s. His efforts see him confined to his office, for now.

Photo Credit: Knightfall/History Channel, Larry Horricks Image Acquired from A+E Networks Press Center
Photo Credit: Knightfall/History Channel, Larry Horricks Image Acquired from A+E Networks Press Center /


Eleanor demands Joan’s decision. Which child will it be?

Completely mad with grief, Eleanor hounds her again and again for an answer. She becomes so overwhelmed at was has happened. That her son is dead and her cousin’s daughter Isabella had a hand in it. Overwhelming herself, she begins to break down in tears and lands in the comfort of Joan’s arm. Joan, seizing the opportunity, grabs Eleanor’s own knife and thrusts it into her chest, killing her.

Displaying the Queen’s dead body to everyone, both the people and soldiers of Navarre and Catalonia, Joan decides that enough is enough. She calls for peace between them. To create a unity between the two nations, that there will be no more fighting and no more bloodshed. Soldiers, of both nations, draw their swords and kneel before her.

Phillip, upon reflecting De Nogaret’s words has made his decision to. He visits him in his office and tells him that he will require proof. Not testimony but actual physical proof. An investigation will be carried out in order to discover what is truly going on. However, in case De Nogaret is correct, he gives him the money he will need in order to fund his mercenary army, just in case.

In Navarre, peace is declared. Everyone agrees to the terms and lays down their arms. Joan explains that she will now return to Paris but will soon return with Isabella to Navarre. That after what the King did, abandoning her and Navarre she will leave and declare independence from France and hopefully, Landry will come.

Final Stand

Tired and wounded from their previous engagements Landry decides that it is time for them to make their final stand. They push through and advance into the courtyard, fighting odds of six to one. Rashid, wounded the most from the earlier fights, is brought down, but not before he brings down a few men himself.

It’s looking bleak for everyone when, in the final seconds, reinforcements arrive. It’s not the remaining Templars but the rest of the Brotherhood of Light. With their support, they make quick work of the Popes remaining men.

When the fight ends, Landry reaches over to Rashid as his final moment’s approach. Rashid, with his final breath, whispers that it was cruel to let him think that he was dead. Landry, confused by such words, looks around the courtyard and spots one of the brotherhood advancing towards him.

Pulling back his mask Landry is greeted by a familiar face. Tancrede, who he thought was dead, is no longer a Templar, but a member of the Brotherhood of Light.

Next: Knightfall episode 7 recap: And Certainly Not The Cripple

What did you think of this week’s Knightfall? What was your favourite moment? Leave a comment below with your thoughts.

Knightfall returns Wednesday, December 31, 10/9c on The History Channel.