Will the Templars retrieve the Grail or is the beginning of the end for the legendary Knights?
Landry, almost excommunicated and burned at the stake, was only spared because his mother shared a secret to the Pope about the Grail. Gawain got one last shot in by smashing Landry’s leg with a warhammer right before they learned that the Holy Grail had once again been stolen from right under their noses.
After Gawain’s savage attack upon Landry, its quick work for Draper and the rest of his fellow Templar’s to try and save Landry’s leg. Draper confirms that it is not broken, but merely swollen. The swelling needs to be reduced. Draper takes a knife to Landry’s leg, cutting it open, and allowing the swelling to reduce.
Who has the Grail?
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De Nogaret is now in possession of the Holy Grail. His assassin stole it from under the Pope’s nose and delivered it to him. He then delivers it to King Phillip of France and advises him what to do now that they have it. Use it as a tool against his enemies, such as Landry and the Pope.
Pope Boniface VIII is aware that the Grail is now in the hands of Phillip. He approaches Landry, who he only just hours earlier tried to have excommunicated and burned at the stake, for help. Far from interested in helping the Pope, Landry wants to know why he was spared, what did his mother tell him? The Pope promises to explain all, but only after he has retrieved the Grail from Phillip. Landry assembles his men and they ride out back to Paris and back to the Grail.
You are mine
After having her handmaiden almost beaten to death and confining her to her room, Phillip attempts to make amends with Queen Joan. Begging to go back to the way things once where, he apologies repeatedly for his behavior.
Joan is not interested in any way and wants things to be over between them. Phillip, no longer wanting to be kind, reminds her that he is his wife and therefore his property. She cannot leave him, he owns her.

Phillip then leaves in anger and seeks out De Nogaret. He asks whether the Red Knights that De Nogaret has hired as his own private army can take on the Templars and do what needs to be done outside of Paris. De Nogaret confirms that it indeed can be done and it will be done in the forest of Versailles.
That conversation was without extra ears. Joan overhead everything that Phillip and De Nogaret have planned. In an effort to put a stop to it, she tries to make nice at Phillip by accepting his earlier offer.
It’s a wasted journey, however, as Phillip has decided that enough is enough and confronts her on the legitimacy of her pregnancy, accusing her of it being not his, but Landry’s. Joan neither confirms or denies anything.
That’s enough for Phillip, who then launches in to a ranting rave, shouting and cursing at Joan. Telling her what he plans to do to Landry and the Templars and when the child is born he will murder it, by cutting out its heart right in front of her.
Joan, in desperation to save herself, Landry, and the baby, strikes Phillip across the head with a candlestick holder. Rendering him unconscious. She then makes her escape, taking the Holy Grail with her as she goes.
The Calm before the battle
As Landry and his men make their way back to Paris, Landry and Tancrede talk about what happened. Landry is confused at what made the Pope change his mind. Tancrede remains him that the Grail is no ordinary cup and that it is much more than what people think. His duties as a member of the Brotherhood of Light, however, refrain him from talking about some things and, more importantly, doing some things.

Tancrede confides in Landry that when they find the Grail he cannot support the decision of returning it to the Pope. Landry makes it clear that he has no intention of giving it to him. He cannot trust him. They both decide it is best to fulfill what Godfrey had planned. Hiding it, safely and securely forever.
Joan then arrives on the scene. She warns Landry and the rest of the Templars that an army of Red Knights is coming. She then faints, exhausted from her journey. Landry forms the men, readying them for battle and Draper takes Joan away to safety.
As the Red Knights approach beating their shields, Landry calls out to his men. Telling them that they will win this fight. For they fight for more money, whereas they fight for god and honor.
The Red Knights then appear before them, with Gawain as their leader.
Thy friend is now thy enemy
The two armies charge at one another and the fighting begins. Men die on either side, more so on the Red Knights side than the Templars. But some Templars begin to grow concerned that they will not win this fight, Landry reminds them to have faith, for they have god on their side.

Eventually, Gawain and Landry meet one another on the battlefield. They engage in one in one combat and the two are evenly matched. Landry begins to get the upper hand until a large group of Red Knights encircle him with a shield wall and force him away from the battlefield.
While the fighting rages on Draper and Joan make their way to safety. They don’t get far as Joan’s waters break. The baby is early but it is coming.
As soon as they are far away enough Phillip shows himself. He wanted Landry all to himself. He vents his frustration and anger at Landry for sleeping with his wife. What type of friend is he? He then begins to beat him to within an inch of his life.
Joan’s sacrifice
Joan’s contractions begin to get stronger and she begins to worry. It is too earlier. Draper attempts to calm her down but a messenger arrives and updates them on the battle and how Landry has been led away by King Phillip. This sends adrenaline rushing through Joan and she runs back to where she left Landry, hoping that she can find him in time.

Joan arrives to witness Phillip beating Landry over and over again. She begs that he be spared. She pleads and pleads that he should be allowed to live. Phillip, in his anger, allows this request and thrusts a knife into Joan. Her life, for Landry’s.
Phillip is then warned that the battle is over. Reinforcements have arrived and the Templars are winning. They must leave now. They all go, leaving Landry, alone with Joan.
It is over
Tancrede and the surviving Templars find Landry and Joan and bring him up to speed. They have won, the Red Knights have fled, Gawain amongst them. It means nothing to Landry however as Joan is dying in his arms.
He feels helpless that nothing can be done. Landry tries to make her drink from the Holy Grail in the hope it will heal her. It at first looks like it may have worked as her pain begins to go away. It was however just Joan getting nearer and nearer to death. She then slips away in Landry’s arms.
Distraught and angry at what has happened, Landry throws the Holy Grail at a tree, smashing it into several pieces. He grieves for Joan and his child and places his hand on her belly. Landry feels movement and tells Draper of this, completely shocked.

They are both confused, convinced that a child only breathes when the mother does. But a kick was felt and Landry asks Draper what they can do. Draper has one idea but he has only ever seen it been performed once before. He takes out his blade and cuts open Joan’s belly, reaches in and pulls out a healthy baby girl.
In the aftermath of the battle, the Templars bury their dead and the Queen. Sweet words and song are made in honour of the fallen. But not all Templars are present during the funeral, one has slipped away and is examining the pieces of the Grail.
This lone Templar pulls out a scroll from within the base of the cup, reads the inscription and then swallows the message.
Next: Pádraic Delaney on his time as the Templar Knight Gawain on Knightfall
So what did you think of the Knightfall season finale? What was your favourite moment? Leave a comment below with your thoughts.
As of writing, Knightfall has had no confirmation if it will be returning for a second season.