Lindsay Farris gives Hidden Remote an exclusive look into joining Ash vs Evil Dead and his new character, Dalton.
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Ahead of the upcoming third season of Ash vs Evil Dead, we have taken the time to speak with the cast about what to expect with the latest Installment. The cult-classic-film-trilogy-turned-horror-comedy TV series will take Ash Williams (Bruce Campbell) and friends on a journey like no other. We shared an interview with Arielle Carver-O’Neill, who plays Ash’s daughter Brandy, and now it is time to chat with fellow newcomer, Lindsay Farris.
The Australian actor will be playing the role of Dalton, the leader of the Knights of Sumeria. Kelly brings him back to Elk Grove to help the Ghost Beaters and their latest test against Ruby and the growing evil. With the introduction of Dalton, it opens the door to a whole new chapter of the mythology in the franchise. Farris talks about that mythology, his love for the franchise, and his experiences since joining the series.
Hidden Remote: What has it been like joining a show like Ash vs Evil Dead?
Lindsay Farris: It’s kind of like an unbelievable experience. When I was a kid, my grandmother used to show me the original Evil Dead films on Betamax, if you know what that is. And it was kind of like a bonding thing with my grandmother and uncle because the rest of my family hated horror. That was when I was 14, not only was I scarred by the original films but it was part of my family dynamic for a very long time. Then 20 years on, literally getting into the television series was one of the most surreal and brilliant experiences I think in my entire life.
Hidden Remote: That’s awesome. To be in a show with such a horror icon like Bruce Campbell must have been a dream come true then.
Lindsay Farris: Ah man, there is only one Bruce Campbell *laughs*. I think, not that it’s a surprise, but one of the most brilliant things to watch about Bruce is his punchlines he delivers like no one else. He comes in, does it once, boom, nails it. He is a complete horror icon. Particularly when we were in Atlanta and watched the first episode of Season 3. The walls start vibrating and the sounds from the two to three thousand people and the announcer goes “Bruce Campbell” and everyone goes crazy. Then you know you’re part of a legacy and part of something special.
Hidden Remote: So what can you tell us about Dalton and the Knights of Sumeria?
Lindsay Farris: Well, I mean, Dalton introduces an entirely new mythology to the Evil Dead TV component of the franchise. The last time we saw the Knights of Sumeria, they were riding horses with armor and using swords. Now, they ride motorcycles and use shotguns. The introduction to Season 3, there is a legend that there is a prophesized one, who is to combat the evil that is coming. And if you can imagine that’s word of mouth passed down hundreds of years, Dalton is kind of the remnants of that legacy.
The other Knights of Sumeria are off becoming dentists, lawyers, and doctors but Dalton has held true to these old myths. So when he meets Kelly, she has taken her own agency since the Ghost Beaters have somewhat broken up. Pablo is selling fish and chips, Ash Williams is running a hardware store. Kelly has not dropped the bat, so she kind of brings Dalton into the Ghost Beaters world. He brings a bunch of new tricks that we haven’t quite seen from Seasons 1 and 2.

Hidden Remote: So Kelly brings Dalton back to Elk Grove, will there be some tension among Pablo and Dalton?
Lindsay Farris: Look, I say there is an element of mistrust between Pablo and Dalton. Pablo is suspicious of a new guy with the Ghost Beaters since they are such a tight unit. Something Dalton has that the Ghost Beaters don’t is an understanding of the Sumerian text. So when we last saw Pablo at the end of Season 2, he still has those tattoos on his body. This a bit of a tease but perhaps Dalton can read those [tattoos] and know what they mean. Tension maybe comes from there.
Hidden Remote: Very interesting. So how does Ash take this new guy coming to town and him being a leader of the Knights of Sumeria?
Lindsay Farris: *laughs* I think Ash is distracted trying to be a dad, you know. We also have the introduction to Brandy in Season 3 and he can’t quite get her name right. I think the closest Ash Williams gets to saying “Dalton” is “Dalbo”. The relationship is very much one-sided, I think Dalton has a lot of respect for the prophesized one. It’s this guy he’s heard about in legends for years and years but it’s very much one-sided.
Hidden Remote: I talked to Bruce Campbell and he said your character keeps kneeling in front of him until Ash tells him to knock it off.
Lindsay Farris: *laughs* Absolutely and I think Dalton has a lot to learn from Ash and practicalities on how to kill deadites. Dalton is sort of like a brain surgeon who has only learned from books, he’s never had to cut open a head before. In that light, Ash has a lot to teach him and he knows this but it’s also kind of like “okay, cut it out with the kneeling.”
Hidden Remote: Is it safe to say your character will be drenched in blood at some point in the season?
Lindsay Farris: Is there any character is Ash vs Evil Dead that does not get hit with a blood cannon to the face?
Hidden Remote: Absolutely not! It is clearly some sort of imitation process for new characters!
Lindsay Farris: Absolutely, there is more blood and gore in those 24 minutes than any show on television. It is like a hazing ritual. The best thing about a blood cannon is that you can’t perform, you just react when it hits you.
Hidden Remote: I heard the blood is also freezing cold.
Lindsay Farris: Oh, it is freezing cold! And we’re filming in New Zealand in sub-zero temperatures, it’s dark and wet, you’re dripping with all this crap. I remember one time I went to lunch, and literally [fake] blood was pouring out of my hair and out of my costume into my food. Then you stand in a hot shower and you discover bits of viscera in places you would never knew it would linger like in your ear. The key is shaving cream, that’s what gets it out. And apparently it’s because shaving cream opens up the pores. That should tell you how deep it gets.
Hidden Remote: Wow. What has it been like meeting fans of the show? You’ve been promoting the new season for a little bit now but what has it been like going to those events and meeting the fans?
Lindsay Farris: The rumble of the room when Bruce Campbell walks in is second to none. We were in New York for Comic Con and everything was shaking when he was introduced. The fans of Ash vs Evil Dead are diehard and they don’t miss a beat. I mean, I love our fans. You don’t often get fans who come up to you with a chainsaw hand.
I remember once at Comic Con, I call her a super fan, this woman waiting in line for three hours and she had a huge cut on her face and I said “Are you okay?” and she was a little bit not together. She said she fell off her motorbike on the way to the signing. I asked if she needed to go to a hospital and she said “yeah no the doctor put on a bandaid, I’ll be alright until I get these autographs.” The fans are so diehard, but they always seem to meet Bruce Campbell first so by the time they get to you they say “I just met Bruce Campbell, I’m so excited I just met Bruce” and I say “oh hi, nice to meet you” *laughs*. They talk for three minutes meeting Bruce and then they’re gone. Yeah, that’s a diehard fan!
Hidden Remote: Well I’m sure by the looks of it, you’re going to be one of the fan favorites this year.
Lindsay Farris: Aw, look that is very sweet of you to say, I hope so. I did a lot of work to try to hide a bunch of Easter eggs throughout season 3 for the diehard fans. Particularly the last time we saw the [Knights of Sumeria], was in the early film franchise. We tried to go back to those films to extract what little we know about them in those earlier bits so I hope I don’t let the fans down.

Hidden Remote: So I hear that there is going to be some sort of “final showdown” that everyone keeps talking about, is it safe to assume you’ll be a big player in that?
Lindsay Farris: Hm, I think telling you that might give too much away. Maybe we will leave that as a surprise!
Hidden Remote: Will you at least have some really good fight sequences?
Lindsay Farris: Yeah, I really do. The only thing I had in common stunt-wise with Dalton when I started is that I can ride a motorbike. Beyond that, I learned how to use a shotgun while riding and fire an AK-47 *laughs* and other obstacles like doing it all at once. So the fight scenes, I wanted to do as many of my stunts that I could on my own but I had the best stunt team behind me. The fight sequences in season three do not disappoint.
Hidden Remote: Did you get any kind of injuries?
Lindsay Farris: I don’t know anyone on this show who hasn’t! You try and take as many of the precautions as you can and the safety levels to the ultra-maximum particularly when you have guns and as much action as we do. But it’s all worth it because when you get the shot, you say “yes, that’s going straight to print.” The injuries all get absorbed by the joy of shooting and the cold helps numb whatever wounds you might get.
Hidden Remote: So whether or not the show gets a Season 4 or whatever happens with your character this season, what has been your favorite part about joining the series? If you can pick one thing about being on Ash vs Evil Dead.
Lindsay Farris: I think we will get a fourth season if people tune in to STARZ on February 25 and those numbers come rolling in, and they bank roll a fourth season. So people just need to watch the show. For me, I was in a privileged and gifted position in that I got to grow up with this show, fell in love with it, and then got to be a part of it by becoming a figure and I would love to bring that back for a Season 4. So, I think the biggest gift for me was being a part of the show and I would love if it wasn’t the last time. So, fans to keep on tuning in!
Hidden Remote: I think it might help that Netflix recently started streaming the first two seasons and now more people are talking about it on social media. There is a bigger buzz ahead of the new season.
Lindsay Farris: Yeah, anything that creates an awareness about the show helps get people watching and particularly what you guys do and taking the time to interview us and have a genuine interest in the show. It is a difficult market at the moment, a lot of new shows coming out. The best thing that we have is the fans are diehard and unlike any other fans on the face of the earth. It’s all of that that helps us to stand out.
Hidden Remote: A lot of the cast often attends events regularly, do you have any upcoming event appearances?
Lindsay Farris: If fans want it, let STARZ know on all the social media or interviews. If people are interested in having me there, it’s all up to the fans. I’m in, I’m happy to come along!
Hidden Remote: I have a feeling you’ll have some new event dates in the new future!
Lindsay Farris: *laughs* I really appreciate that!
Next: Arielle Carver-O’Neill talks Ash vs Evil Dead Season 3
Check out Lindsay Farris and his series debut when Ash vs Evil Dead returns for its third season, February 25 on STARZ!