Chelsea DeBoer spray-tanning during her pregnancy: Fans are freaking out

Photo Credit: Teen Mom 2/MTV Image Acquired from MTV Press
Photo Credit: Teen Mom 2/MTV Image Acquired from MTV Press /

Chelsea DeBoer revealed that she enjoys spray-tanning throughout her pregnancy. But fans quickly freaked out as if it was completely off-limits.

Chelsea DeBoer is currently pregnant with her third child, a little baby girl. Chelsea revealed that she had the baby fever while filming the previous season of Teen Mom 2 and her husband, Cole DeBoer, was more than ready to have kids with her. Chelsea was excited about the possibility of having another baby, and it seems like she got pregnant rather fast. Since she still has Watson at home, it sounds like she just wants to feel somewhat normal and pretty.

On social media, the Teen Mom 2 star revealed that she was getting spray-tans despite being pregnant. She revealed that it made her feel normal and she loved the idea of feeling pretty, as she is pregnant and being a stay-at-home mom to little Watson. But fans were quick to inquire about spray-tanning while pregnant, as some people said that it was dangerous for the baby. Of course, one can imagine that Chelsea got some advice from her doctor before she announced this news on social media, where people can be rather critical.

But on social media, Chelsea DeBoer was quick to set the record straight about her decision to spray-tan her body. On Twitter, she revealed that she only thing that kept her sane and feeling pretty during her pregnancy was getting a tan.

Next: Chelsea DeBoer revealed that she didn’t push Aubree for name change

Chelsea DeBoer has also been making headlines for her decision to help her daughter change her name from Lind to Lind-DeBoer. The name change was featured on Teen Mom 2 and Chelsea has revealed that her daughter asked her for the name change after she was accused of pushing her daughter to change her name.

What do you think of Chelsea DeBoer’s tweet about spray-tanning?