Big Brother 20 recap: Spoilers from July 18 episode include Veto results

Big Brother 20 recap: Spoilers from July 18 episode include Veto results. (Memory Wall Photo: Cliff Lipson/CBS)
Big Brother 20 recap: Spoilers from July 18 episode include Veto results. (Memory Wall Photo: Cliff Lipson/CBS)

Big Brother 20 recap time has arrived. Spoilers from the July 18 episode will include the Veto results. It all gets started at 8/7c on Wednesday night.

The July 18 Big Brother 20 recap will be presented live on Inside the BB House. That means updates beginning at 5 p.m. PT / 8 p.m. ET from the CBS broadcast. There is a lot to cover, including the Week 3 Veto Competition. Then, the Power of Veto winner has to decide whether they will use it at the Veto Ceremony. By the end of the night, CBS viewers will know the two targets for eviction for the July 19 episode.

A quick Big Brother 20 recap

To quickly cover what has gone on since the last eviction, the July 15 episode covered a lot. Scottie Salton won the Head of Household Competition, giving him a shot to really shake up the BB20 house. At the Nomination Ceremony, he put Brett Robinson and Winston Hines on the block. When the July 18 episode begins, there is likely to be fallout shown from those nominations.

July 18 Big Brother 20 spoilers

Readers can visit this article on Inside the BB House as soon as the episode begins on Wednesday night. A lot of Big Brother 20 spoilers will appear in the post, including the Veto results and the final nominees for eviction. Will Scottie Salton keep control of the game? Will another houseguest get in his ear about a replacement nominee? Maybe CBS viewers will see Haleigh Broucher’s Hamlet punishment?

Next: A Former BB Winner To Appear On Fear Factor

As a reminder, the July 18 Big Brother 20 episode begins at 8/7c on CBS. This recap article will begin covering the episode at 5 p.m. PT / 8 p.m. ET.

Previously on Big Brother (8 p.m. ET)

The July 18 episode began by recapping what had taken place in the BB App Store this season. It included Sam Bledsoe getting awarded the Bonus Life power and Haleigh Broucher getting the Hamlet punishment. It was then time to recap what led Scottie Salton to his nominations. The nominees became Brett Robinson and Winston Hines, in what the narrator called “revenge of the nerd.” Previews of what might take place in the episode included a brief look at the Kaitlyn Herman house meeting.

Nomination Ceremony fallout (8:05 p.m. ET)

Brett was very upset in his Diary Room session, stating they would be coming after Scottie now. In his own DR session, Scottie noted that it was time to break up a power couple in the house. Then, Winston threatened that he would torture Scottie during his own DR session. Meanwhile, Haleigh, Rockstar, and Faysal Shafaat celebrated in the Storage Room over the nominations. Rockstar was particularly excited.

Scottie meets with Brett and Winston (8:08 p.m. ET)

Brett was particularly grumpy when he met with Scottie. Telling him that he made the wrong decision and that he wasn’t going to “fake” that he liked Scottie. Kaitlyn Herman met with Winston, telling him he needed to start separating himself from Brett before the next Eviction Ceremony. Winston then met with Scottie, telling him that he had made an enemy and that Scottie had better hope he goes home this week.

Level Six alliance creates a target (8:15 p.m. ET)

The members of the Level Six alliance came up with the idea of making Kaitlyn Herman the new target for eviction. The plan was to drop clues about her needing to be a replacement nominee for Week 3.

Picking the Veto players (8:16 p.m. ET)

The Big Brother 20 recap continues with the selection of the Week 3 Veto players. Scottie picked Tyler Crispen’s chip, Brett picked Rachel Swindler, and Winston picked Rockstar. The six people would soon be playing for the Power of Veto.

Power of Veto Competition: Mamma Mia theme (8:20 p.m. ET)

The theme of the Week 3 Power of Veto Competition tied into the movie, Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again. Bayleigh Dayton, serving as the host, stated that the winner gets a trip for two to the Greek islands.

The Veto Competition involved spinning in a circle and then trying to make a champagne glass tower. Though it sounds easy as a concept, they were spinning 15 times and only got 30 seconds to stack before they then had to spin again. There was a lot of falling down going on.

It came down to Rachel and Scottie, but it was Scottie Salton who won the Power of Veto.

Veto fallout (8:31 p.m. ET)

The true colors of Brett and Winston began coming out after they lost the Veto Competition. Including calling Scottie a “dork” as they planned their revenge. It continued the trend of the bros talking down about him this season.

Sam and Brett meet (8:36 p.m. ET)

The July 18 Big Brother 20 recap picks up after another long commercial break. Sam Bledsoe began talking about her special power again. In a Diary Room session, she stated that she didn’t know if she should use it this week or not. She tried to console Brett after his loss in the competition, trying to make him feel better about it all.

Shortly after that, Brett and Winston met. They tried to create a plan to approach Scottie in the middle of the night to try to form a final three alliance. As they were planning in the Storage Room, Scottie entered and it got awkward very quickly. Rather than approaching him right then, they made excuses for their earlier behavior.

Haleigh begins her least-trending punishment (8:40 p.m. ET)

The punishment for Haleigh Broucher was to read all of Hamlet to the rest of the BB20 cast. Each time an announcement was made, she would have to grab her book and begin reading out loud. The punishment would continue until she finished the entire play. This brought some much-needed humor to the July 18 episode.

Brett and Winston try to con Scottie (8:45 p.m. ET)

Brett Robinson and Winston Hines asked Scottie Salton to meet them in the Head of Household Room. They presented him with a plan to backdoor Kaitlyn Herman. Their idea was to take down Brett and use Kaitlyn to make a “huge move” in the game. Would he do it?

Kaitlyn Herman claims clairvoyance (8:51 p.m. ET)

Kaitlyn went to Scottie and stated that she had a dream about Brett and Winston trying to make her the new eviction target. Scottie shared everything from that chat, including how they wanted Kaitlyn to become the replacement nominee at the Veto Ceremony. Kaitlyn went outside of the HOH Room and called them out. Brett tried to lie his way out. Then, in a Diary Room session, Brett called Scottie a weasel and spineless. Winston remained silent in the background of the kitchen.

Veto Ceremony – Big Brother 20 recap conclusion (8:58 p.m. ET)

Scottie Salton decided to keep the nominees the same. At the July 19 Eviction Ceremony, it is either Brett Robinson or Winston Hines going home.

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The next episode is July 19 at 9/8c on CBS. More Big Brother 20 spoilers could appear on the live feeds before that, as the house has to decide who they want to vote out.