All of Stan Lee’s upcoming cameos, including one you didn’t expect


Earlier this week, the legendary Stan Lee passed away. The Marvel Universe will live on forever, though, and we have not seen the last of the celebrated genius!

Stan Lee, co-creator of Marvel’s most popular and beloved superheroes, has passed away at the age of 95. What a life he lived! And what brilliant and amazing gifts he left us. It has been beautiful seeing how many fans, including famous faces, have gone to Twitter or Instagram to thank Stan Lee for everything he’s done. He truly made the world a better place and will be dearly missed.

We’re not sure what will be done about Stan Lee’s cameos in upcoming movies, those he didn’t have a chance to shoot, that is.  But, in the meantime, we still have many fun cameos to look forward to!

The first movie you can expect to see Lee is one that may surprise you. It’s in theaters this coming week, November 21. Any guesses? Spoiler alert — Ralph Breaks the Internet! 

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Hidden Remote caught an early screening of the movie last week and we love it! It’s got many laughs for kids, but even more for the big kids (aka parents). And now, since Stan Lee has passed, it’s a very emotional cameo.

It’s short, yes, and Stan Lee is, of course, animated. But it now means so much! Before, as we watched the film before his death, it was all laughs. Now, when we go watch the movie again (because the film is that good), we may shed a tear or two knowing he’s no longer with us.

Thankfully, due to Lee’s age, Marvel prepared accordingly! Other cameos headed our way include: Captain Marvel and Avengers 4. The studio has yet to confirm if Stan Lee will be in Spider-Man: Far From Home, it’s highly unlike, though.

Ant-Man and the Wasp and other Marvel duos. dark. Next

What is your favorite Stan Lee cameo? Don’t miss Ralph Breaks the Internet in theaters Wednesday, November 21.