My 600-lb Life Season 7, Episode 1: Octavia’s Story recap

Credit: TLC, Acquired via Discovery Press Web
Credit: TLC, Acquired via Discovery Press Web /

Octavia’s Story starts off season 7 of My 600-lb Life. Will Dr. Nowzardan be able to get a bedbound woman to follow his plan?

For the last year Octavia has been bedbound. No worries, however, she has a support system in place. Here roommate Tyesha is obese and around 300-lbs, but is able to help by bringing food. Her sister Desire, who is definitely close to the 300-lb mark, brings food when she visits. Finally, her friend Nichelle, winded by a walk from the front door to the living room, is a definitely over 450-lbs and destined for stardom in a future episode. But she is able to deliver food at least.

Octavia blames the weight loss on her parent’s separation, her mother’s multiple relationship problems, and sexual abuse at the hands of a caretaker. By 13-years old she was over 300-lbs, and by 16-years old she was 400-lbs.

Home Life

Her roommate said Octavia got stuck in the bed about a year ago. The fire department had to get her out. Now she remains in bed, where she urinates on a bed pad like an animal. She calls herself a dog. Roll left. Slide in the pad. Roll right. Wet the bed. Everything is done in this manner, even “bathing” – including the obligatory scene in My 600-lb Life where unnecessary nudity is blurred out for no real reason – and eating.

The Average Meal

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For breakfast Tyesha brings in an obscene plate of nachos, replete with all the fixin’s, including what appears to be roughly two cups of sour cream in a snake-like spread over the pile. Lunch comes from her personal GrubHub (i.e. Desire), and it’s a huge plate of ribs and french fries from a local BBQ place that is visited so often it didn’t even need to be named.

Dr. Now’s Evaluation

Octavia’s case is so bad she has to do the first evaluation via conference call. No shocker, Dr. Now says she’s incredibly unhealthy, probably close to dying, and all her “friends” are just enablers. He prescribes a high-protein and low-carb diet (shocker!) with some bed exercises. All this is before he’ll even accept her into the program because she can’t travel. So what does she do a week later? She gets everyone in town to help her move to Houston: extended family, EMTs, the Fire Department, a local wrecker service. OK, so the last one isn’t true. Still, if she’s not listening to Dr. Now now, what are the odds she listens later?

The follow-up appointments & therapy

Dr. Now was pissed when Octavia arrived. Lucky for her, her situation didn’t get extremely worse. Initial weigh in, via bed scale, is 692.3-lbs.

  • Total weight loss 2m since arrival in Houston: 108-lb total (584-lbs current)
  • Total weight loss 3m since arrival: 46-lb total (646-lbs current) GAINED 62-LBS

Dr. Now is tired of the BS. He calls Nichelle an enabler, but both Octavia and Nichelle argue with the guy who happens to be the foremost weight-loss authority in probably the entire world. Nichelle has the nerve to be offended. Dr. Now finishes with a Mark Twain quote, “It’s easy to quit smoking. I’ve done it hundreds of times.” Completely butt-hurt, Nichelle thinks she needs to go back home. Four months in Nichelle and Octavia are constantly fighting. So Octavia decides fried chicken is what they both need.

Some time later we learn she missed an appointment with Dr. Now, and two other psychotherapy appointments. Then Dr. Now set up an ambulance to bring her to the hospital to get her hip checked out. Riiiiiiight, because it’s the hip. BS called again, Octavia comes in for a check up. She gained another 38-lbs and is at 684-lbs total, only 8-lbs less than original weight. Nichelle has the AUDACITY, the TEMERITY, to act shocked.

Dr. Now reads Octavia, Nichelle, and the new assistant the full, 500-page riot act. It felt like that awkward moment of being at a friend’s house as their parents ground them.

Thanks to the defense of her home health care, Dr. Now gives them one more chance. One month later (7 months elapsed) she’s at 585, for a total weight loss of 107-lbs. Nichelle threw shade the entire appointment. Two months later Octavia is at 527, for a total weight loss of 165-lbs. Surgery follows, and two months later Octavia is at 456 for a total weight loss of 236-lbs.

Next. My 600-lb Life season preview. dark

Octavia started as one of the least likeable people My 600-lb Life has ever seen. All excuses, minimal effort. She eventually finished as tolerable, and has a fairly incomplete story.

My 600-lb Life airs Wednesdays on TLC.