10 things you may have missed in Russian Doll Season 1

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Russian Doll, Netflix
Russian Doll series via Netflix Media Center /

Full of nuance and symbolism, Russian Doll is packed with fascinating details that you may not have noticed the first time around.

Russian Doll is a mind trip that demands to be watched over and over again. On her 36th birthday, Nadia (Natasha Lyonne), a brassy, whip-smart computer programmer, finds herself dying over and over again, only to be resurrected in the otherworldly bathroom at the center of her birthday bash. And that’s just the beginning of this wild and trippy journey.

Obligatory Spoiler Alert: We’re gonna go deep on this Alphabet City romp from A to Z, so if you haven’t seen Russian Doll yet, here’s your chance to ghost this party before things get out of hand. 

As the season progresses, Nadia meets Alan (Charlie Barnett), a kind but uptight dude, and everything changes. You see, Alan is dying too, over and over again, in a cycle that never ends. Nadia and Alan’s journey to the center of the self is a mysterious and lush thrill ride that gets hearts pumping and minds humming with possibility.

Considering that Russian Doll beautifully interprets the heavy subject matter of of self-reflection and mental health without being preachy or saccharine, it’s no wonder that viewers have become so smitten with the series so quickly. The show is a gorgeous, layered mystery with many possible interpretations, and there are certainly clues left along the way to help guide fans along.

In fact, some of the Easter eggs may even hold the keys to a potential Russian Doll Season 2. So you gotta get up, gotta get out, gotta check out these ten things you might have missed from the first season of the show.