Big Brother 21 Episode 8 recap: live eviction #2

Kemi Faknule on Big Brother 21. Big Brother airs Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Kemi Faknule on Big Brother 21. Big Brother airs Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

A new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night. This was Big Brother 21 Episode 8. In the episode we saw, among other things, the fallout from the nomination ceremony, live eviction, and Head of Household competition.

Big Brother 21 Episode 8 aired last night. It was the second live eviction show of the summer. This episode picked up where the last one left off at the end of the Power of Veto ceremony.

In the previous episode, Sam Smith won the Power of Veto and trip for two to Fiji. The Power of Veto competition was hosted by Big Brother legend Tyler Crispen. At the Veto ceremony, Sam decided not to use the Power of Veto. This left Kemi Fakunle and Jessica Milagros nominated for eviction.

Big Brother 21 Episode 8 begins

Host Julie Chen-Moonves greeted CBS audiences by telling us someone else would join Camp Comeback tonight and welcomed us to Big Brother. Then, the show launched into a recap of events. There main title sequence was not shown. This is typical on live eviction nights.

Power of Veto ceremony fallout

Head of Household Jack Matthews was happy that Sam didn’t use the Veto. With Camp Comeback in mind, Jack’s goal was to send Kemi to Camp Comeback as happy as she could be. Jessica knew Kemi was a target last week and hoped she would be this week and she wouldn’t have to do much campaigning. Kemi knew she had some work to do if she wanted to stay in the house.

Cliff Hogg III talked to Camp Comeback member Ovi Kabir about an alliance should Ovi re-enter the game. Nicole Anthony walked in the room and three talked about forming an alliance. They called their alliance the Fellowship of the Zing.

Several showmances in the house were blossoming. They include Nick Maccarone and Isabella “Bella” Wang, Jackson MIchie and Holly Allen, and Jack Matthews and Analyse Talavera. Bella was worried about her mom’s reaction to her showmance with Nick.

Cliff shared his morning routine, which includes giving his “Cliff Notes” about what’s going on in the Big Brother house to the cameras. However, during one Cliff Notes session, he inadvertently revealed his alliance to the rest of the house. Christie Murphy overheard his monologue and revealed what she heard to the Gr8ful alliance.

More secrets get exposed

Nicole informed Kemi that Bella was the one who informed the Gr8ful alliance about the Black Widows even though Nicole claimed Bella started the Black Widows. Kemi informed Jackson Michie that Bella told her about a final three she had with Jack and Michie and Bella starting the Black Widows. Kemi tried to leverage this to get Michie’s vote.

Michie then went to Jack to talk about Kemi’s revelations. Jack questioned if Michie believed her. Michie said he did because he didn’t know how else Kemi would know about what she told Michie. Michie also revealed the information about Christie overhearing Cliff to Jack.

Bella then went to Sam and told he wasn’t actually part of the Gr8ful alliance like he thought he was. She did this so that when Gr8ful eventually broke apart, Sam would be loyal to her for telling him this. This information infuriated Sam.

Sam then went to Jack to try and change the tides in Kemi’s favor. Jack responded by saying he would do what’s best for Gr8ful, then corrected himself to say the group of nine.

Live eviction show

At the live eviction show, Kemi called out Bella and Nick in her speech. However, it didn’t do her any good. She was banished by a vote of 10-1. The lone vote to evict Jessica came from Michie, which Michie likely cast with the intention of blaming on someone else. Kemi became the third member of Camp Comeback.

Head of Household competition

After Kemi’s banishment to Camp Comeback, it was time for the Head of Household competition. In this Head of Household competition, you had to throw an arrow under handed at the target to record your score. Everyone would have one shot. If a player’s arrow was straddling two different scores, their score would be where the majority of the arrow had landed. In the event of a 50/50 split, the player got the higher score.

If a player didn’t want Head of Household, they could go for a $5,000 or safety target instead. Those targets could only be hit once. As outgoing Head of Household, Jack was not eligible to compete in this competition. Nick won Head of Household with a score of 90 points. Bella came in second with a score of 75 points. Michie and Sam tied for third with a score of 70 points.

Big Brother 21 Episode 8 conclusion

Julie closed out the night by talking to the houseguests. Julie asked Jessica how it felt to have survived tonight’s eviction (Jessica was happy). Julie asked Kemi what it would be like living in a house with 10 people who just voted to evict her (Kemi wasn’t surprised she was banished to Camp Comeback). Julie asked Tommy what he missed most about home (he said his family, newsies family and his mother’s cooking).

Julie asked Cliff what he missed most about home (he said his wife and his kids). Julie then teased a classic Big Brother power would be returning to the game this Sunday. It would be awarded to the winner of the Panic Whacktivity comp. Then, Julie signed off Big Brother 21 Episode 8.

Tune in Sunday at 9 pm eastern to see what the power, who wins it, and who Nick nominates for eviction! Sunday’s episode should be nothing short of interesting.