Big Brother 21 Episode 11 recap: blindsides and a return

Cliff Hogg on Big Brother 21. Big Brother airs Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Cliff Hogg on Big Brother 21. Big Brother airs Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

A new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 11. In this episode we saw, among other things, the fallout from the Power of Veto competition, the season’s first blindside and the Camp Comeback competition.

Big Brother 21 Episode 11 aired last night. It was the third live eviction show of the summer. Big Brother 21 Episode 11 picked up where Episode 10 left off, at the end of the Power of Veto ceremony.

In the previous episode, the Gr8ful alliance turned into bullies. Kaitlyn Herman returned to host the Power of Veto competition, which was won by Kathryn “Kat” Dunn. Kat used the Power of Veto to save nominee Jessica Milagros from the chopping block. Nicole Anthony was named the replacement nominee by Head of Household Nick Maccarone.

Big Brother 21 Episode 11 begins

Julie-Chen Moonves greeted CBS viewers by informing us Camp Comeback was coming to an end and one would return. Then, the show launched into its recap of the events so far. This lasted a few minutes. The main title sequence was not shown, as is typical on eviction nights. After the main title sequence, Julie informed the houseguests the Comeback Comp would be held live.

Big Brother 21 Episode 11: fallout from the Power of Veto ceremony

Nick had his sights set on sending Nicole home. Cliff Hogg III didn’t like the move on a personal level but knew it was every man for himself as he was a nominee too. Nicole had internal dilemma because she knew she had to campaign against her friend Cliff. Kemi Fakunle talked with Nicole about the possibility of having a conversation with Nick. Nicole felt as if she had nobody to turn to.

Nick informed Cliff everything was going according to plan and Nicole was going home. Christie Murphy apologized to Nick regarding her paranoia. Thirty minutes before the Veto ceremony, Christie had a conversation with Nick about her concerns.

In a diary room session, Christie revealed that she was worried her paranoid episode made her a target. Christie revealed to Nick and Bella she had the Panic Power. Nick was happy that Christie told her about the power and that the power was in his alliance.

Big Brother 21 Episode 11: blindside brewing

A new alliance between Tommy Bracco, Jackson Michie, Jack Matthews, Holly Allen, Analyse Talavera Christie Murphy formed. They called themselves the Six Shooters. Christie was rubbed the wrong way that Isabella “Bella” Wang and Nick were pushing hard to get Nicole out and said she was not voting out Nicole. She campaigned to the Six Shooters to evict Cliff instead and they agreed. In the Head of Household room, Nick and Bella were confident that everything was going as they planned.

Big Brother 21 Episode 11: Camp Comeback wants revenge

The three in Camp Comeback talked about how they had been ostracized by the others.

David Alexander was anxious to get a chance to even play the game. He was evicted before it really started. David tried to build relationships with everyone, even if he didn’t trust them. He wanted Michie to trust him, even though Michie shouldn’t. Michie was David’s top target should he re-enter the game.

Ovi Kabir learned about how people might treat others poorly when they’re wearing something different. His secret weapon was the cookies he made. Ovi knew that no matter how hard things got, he could always rely on Cliff. Ovi saw Cliff as his number one ally.

Kemi could not stand the people she was living with, except for Nicole. Kemi felt Nicole was the only person she could trust. It was also revealed that Kemi doesn’t get along with Jack Matthews (something live feeders knew very well).

Jack had a condescending conversation with Kemi about her shaker bottle. Jack didn’t like that Kemi put her shaker bottle in the refrigerator. Kemi didn’t get Jack’s obsession with hating her. Kemi wanted to come back into the game to take Jack out.

All of the Camp Comeback members were anxious to get back in the game. They were tired of waiting on the sidelines. They wanted to play and shake up the house.

Big Brother 21 Episode 11: live eviction

At the live eviction, Cliff, Nick, and Bella were blindsided when Cliff was banished to Camp Comeback by a vote of 6-4. The Six Shooters were the ones who voted to evict Cliff. However, Kat claimed she was aware of what was going on when she cast her vote.

Big Brother 21 Episode 11: Camp Comeback Competition

In the Comeback Competition, players had to roll a ball down a path attempting to drop it in a receptacle. They could only place one ball on the path at a time. The goal was to be the first to get six balls in the receptacle. If nobody could meet that goal in three minutes, the person with the highest number of balls in their receptacle would win.

Cliff blew away the field, winning the Comeback Competition. He went six for six in his attempts at rolling balls down the path. There were still 48 seconds to spare when Cliff won. Ovi placed second with one ball. David and Kemi didn’t get score a single ball.

What will happen with Cliff re-entering the game? Who will win Head of Household and who will the Head of Household nominate for eviction? Tune in Sunday at 8 pm eastern to find out.