Big Brother 21 Episode 13 recap

Christy Murphy playing Whacktivity comp "Madagascar Mayhem" on Big Brother. BIG BROTHER airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT); and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), Photo: screengrab/CBS ©2016 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Christy Murphy playing Whacktivity comp "Madagascar Mayhem" on Big Brother. BIG BROTHER airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT); and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), Photo: screengrab/CBS ©2016 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved /

A brand-new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 13. Jack Matthews and Jackson Michie were nominated for eviction by Head of Household Cliff Hogg III. In this episode, we saw fallout from the nomination ceremony, Have Nots, and the Power of Veto Competition. We also saw Christie Murphy having trouble deciding on what to do with the Panic Power, and the Power of Veto ceremony.

Big Brother 21 Episode 13 aired last night on CBS. In Episode 12, Cliff Hogg III won Head of Household after whirlwind of events. He then nominated Jack Matthews and Jackson Michie for eviction. It was the first time this season anyone had nominated the game’s two biggest power players.

This episode, we saw fallout from the nomination ceremony, Have Nots, and the Power of Veto Competition. After the Power of Veto competition, we saw some of Christie Murphy’s indecision on what to do with her Panic Power. Big Brother 21 Episode 13 concluded with the Power of Veto ceremony.

Big Brother 21 Episode 13 Begins

Big Brother 21 Episode 13 began with a recap that lasted a few minutes. After that, the show launched into the main title sequence. After the main title sequence, we picked up where Episode 12 left off, at the end of the nomination ceremony.

Nomination ceremony fallout

Cliff felt it was about time someone made a big move in the house and felt it was up to him. However, he knew Christie’s Panic Power was still in play and felt he needed to win the Power of Veto to ensure nominations stayed the same.

Michie was unhappy about being nominated next to Jack. Michie’s proposed deal with Cliff had been that he would go up as a pawn against Nick Maccarone or Isabella “Bella” Wang. Michie felt Cliff had drawn a line in the sand and it was game on.

Jack felt Cliff sucked as Head of Household. He was positive that he was Cliff’s target this week. Jack then went into the archery room and broke down in tears. Tommy Bracco and Christie were there to comfort him.

Christie was relieved she wasn’t nominated but was upset about two of her alliance members being nominated. She also felt stressed out since her alliance knew she had the Panic Power. Christie told her alliance she would use the Panic Power only for one of the six. However, in private she revealed she didn’t want to have to use it this early and wouldn’t be able to make the decision until she saw who won the Power of Veto.

Cliff told Kathryn “Kat” Dunn they had to stick together. Nick was happy about Cliff’s nominations and told Cliff that he and Bella had Cliff’s back. The Have Nots returned this episode and Cliff as Head of Household got to choose the have nots. He chose Tommy, Kat, Christie, and Michie (Michie volunteered).

Cliff then talked to Christie about her Panic Power. Cliff stated in private he wanted an alpha male out but had to figure out a way that Christie wouldn’t high jack his HOH reign. He told Christie he wouldn’t tell her how to use her Power and that he didn’t want her on the wrong side of him.

Michie then asked the Six Shooters if anyone had the second week’s Whacktivity Power. Jack then finally revealed he had the Chaos Power to Michie and what it did. Michie was ecstatic that Jack had the Chaos Power, even though Jack had hidden it from him for weeks.

Power of Veto Competition

At the draw for Power of Veto players, Cliff drew houseguest choice and picked Sam Smith, Jack drew Holly Allen, and Michie drew Jessica Milagros. Then, Jack activated his Chaos Power. On the redraw, Cliff drew Kat, Jack drew Sam, and Michie drew Analyse Talavera.

Cliff went to Nick and Bella and told them he felt they were screwed if they didn’t win the Power of Veto. He felt Christie would use the Panic Power and then they wouldn’t have enough numbers.

For the Power of Veto Competition, players had to sit on a jet ski in a lake. When they were on the jet ski, they had to strip down to their bathing suits. After they did that, they had to get in the lake and press a button on a buoy.

The catch was, they had to had to press three buttons while undressing and hold onto those buttons. If they were able to keep three buttons pressed, their clock would run at normal speed. If they couldn’t, it would run 10 times faster if they let go of one button, 20 times faster if they let go of two buttons, and 30 times faster if they let go of three buttons. If they didn’t have any buttons pressed at all, the clock ran 60 times faster. The person with the lowest time on their game clock would win the Power of Veto.

Michie won the Power of Veto with a time of 2 minutes and 59 seconds. Kat came second with a time of 3 minutes and 25 seconds. Cliff came third with a time of 4 minutes and 47 seconds. Analyse came fourth with a time of 9 minutes and 6 seconds. Sam Smith came fifth with 11 minutes and 21 seconds. Jack came in last with a time of 13 minutes and 10 seconds.

Michie was ecstatic about having won the Power of Veto. He felt Christie would use the Panic Power on him and he would nominate Bella as the replacement nominee. Michie wanted Bella out because of her conniving and conspiring ways. Cliff was feeling down that his plans were ruined and felt he needed an alternate path forward. Jack was hoping Michie would be given the Diamond Power of Veto by Christie so the Six Shooters would stay in control.

Last-minute scheming

Michie almost immediately went into the archery room and had a conversation with Christie about the Panic Power. Christie revealed in private that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to use it this week, instead wanting to save it for herself.

Christie revealed to everyone in the archery room she felt conflicted about using it. She felt she would piss of Cliff if she did use and she would piss off whoever didn’t go home if she did use it. Christie then stated in private she regretted telling everyone about her power because then she wouldn’t feel so much pressure about using it.

Michie was confident Christie would use her Panic Power. When Christie revealed her dilemma to Michie, he was having none of it. He tried to persuade Christie that the blood would be on his hands and that she wouldn’t be the one using it. Christie tried to further explain it but Michie shut her down, not even listening to Christie’s concerns.

Michie’s behavior infuriated Christie. She knew she was strong enough that she didn’t need a man telling her what to do. Christie felt it was becoming clear how selfish MIchie was and that Michie was trying to control everything in their alliance.

Christie then went up the HOH room to have a conversation with Cliff. Christie revealed to Cliff that Michie was pushing hard for Christie to use her Panic Power. Christie talked to Cliff about a potential deal not wanting to waste her Panic Power.

Christie promised Cliff that she would use her Panic Power to benefit Cliff if Cliff nominated Bella. Even if Cliff didn’t nominate Bella, Christie promised Cliff he would be nominated by the six should Cliff not nominate Christie. In private, Cliff revealed he was conflicted whether or not to honor his deal with Christie.

Power of Veto ceremony

Big Brother 21 Episode 13 concluded with the Power of Veto ceremony. At the Power of Veto ceremony, Christie decided not to activate her Panic Power. Michie used the Power of Veto to save himself.

For his replacement nominee, Cliff nominated Bella per his deal with Christie. Cliff revealed he didn’t go back on his word because that’s not the kind of man he is. He also felt he had to remain true to his word because his family was watching.

Next. Big Brother 21 Houseguest Cliff Hogg III featured in Oprah Magazine. dark

Tune in tonight at 9 pm eastern to see whether Jack or Bella gets evicted from the Big Brother 21 house!