Big Brother 21 Episode 14 recap: the 4th eviction

Isabella Wang on Big Brother. BiIG BROTHER airs Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Isabella Wang on Big Brother. BiIG BROTHER airs Wednesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), Thursdays, featuring the live evictions (9:00-10:00 PM, LIVE ET/Delayed PT) and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Reserved Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved /

Big Brother 21 Episode 14 aired last night on CBS. Who was the 4th person evicted from the Big Brother house? Find that out and more here!

Big Brother 21’s fourth live eviction show aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 14. In this episode, we saw the fallout from the Power of Veto ceremony, last-minute scrambling leading up to the live eviction, and the live eviction. After the live eviction, we saw the beginning of the Head of Household Competition. Also, host Julie Chen-Moonves informed of us of a new twist called America’s Field Trip.

In the last episode, Jackson Michie won the Power of Veto Competition. Following the Power of Veto Competition, Michie’s behavior infuriated Christie Murphy. Before the Power of Veto ceremony, Christie made a deal with Cliff. Cliff would receive future protection from Christie and the Six Shooters if Cliff nominated Bella. Michie used the Power of Veto to save himself and Cliff honored his deal with Christie, naming Bella the replacement nominee.

Big Brother 21 Episode 14 begins

Big Brother 21 Episode 14 began with host Julie Chen-Moonves greeting CBS audiences, giving viewers giving them a brief run down of the night’s events. Then, the show launched into the recap which took a few minutes. The main title sequence was not shown as is typical on eviction night. Then, Episode 14 picked up where Episode 13 left off, at the end of the Power of Veto ceremony.

Fallout from the Power of Veto ceremony

Cliff explained his rationale in private for honoring his deal with Christie and nominating Bella. However, he did promise he would get Jack evicted one day. Jack wasn’t happy to still be nominated but felt if there was one person he wanted to be up against, it was Bella. Nick Maccarone felt Cliff made the biggest mistake of his game by nominating Bella without making Christie use her Panic Power.

Bella was upset with being nominated for eviction. Michie stated in private that the Six Shooters wanted Bella gone for a long time. Cliff explained to Nick that he couldn’t go against his word and he made a promise to put Bella up so that Christie wouldn’t use her Panic Power. Nick still wasn’t happy about Cliff’s decision. Cliff felt Nick didn’t care about Cliff’s game so much as he cared about his own.

Bella and Nick felt it was them against the world. In private, Nick felt there was no chance of Bella staying and was dismayed at the thought of her leaving. During their conversation, Nick and Bella confirmed their love for each other.

Last-minute scrambling

Cliff had a conversation in the backyard with Jack and Michie. Michie told Cliff he had made himself a pretty sweet deal. Jack was happy that Cliff kept his word to Christie. Cliff proposed a deal to Jack and Michie to work together as he felt nobody would suspect they would work together. Jack and Michie agreed.

Cliff said in private that he knew he wasn’t at the top with the couples but knew they turned on Nick and Bella. Cliff felt if he could buy a few weeks of safety, the six would blow up on each other. When they did, that’s when he would strike.

We also found out that Holly Allen and Kathryn “Kat” Dunn had a connection through the pageant circuit and modeling. However, they denied having known each other previously. They two ladies also made a final two deal with each other.

We then saw Bella playing pool with Sam Smith and Nick Maccarone watching. An attempted trick shot by Bella and Sam went wrong, resulting in Nick getting hit in his private parts by one of the balls.

Later, Cliff explained to Bella that he had wanted to evict Jack. However, it became obvious to him that Christie was going to use her power if he didn’t do what he did. Bella campaigned to Cliff to keep her in the game. She knew she already had Nick and Sam’s votes. Bella and Sam knew they needed Jessica Milagros, Nicole Anthony, and Kat’s votes to force a tie. Cliff told Bella and Sam that he would break the tie vote by evicting Jack if it came down to it.

Bella then went to campaign to Kat and Christie. Bella pointed out her poor track record in competitions compared to Jack. She then stated she would be a bigger target because of how many people she had betrayed. Thus, Jack was a bigger threat than her. Kat revealed in the diary room that she was hesitant to vote Jack out because she didn’t know if it would be good for her game.

Bella then went to Nicole and Jessica and made the same pitch that she did to Kat and Christie. She knew she would have a tough time since she had betrayed them both before. However, Jessica was still upset with Bella for outing the Black Widows alliance that got her nominated two weeks in a row but felt she made a compelling argument. Bella also apologized for her previous actions. Nicole knew it was the biggest opportunity they’d had to get rid of Jack.

Hometown segment

For the first time this season, there was a hometown profile on one of the houseguests. It was Cliff who was profiled in this segment. There were interviews with his friends and family, who spoke about the man he is and his game.

Live eviction

Ultimately, Bella’s campaigning and speech fell on deaf ears and she was evicted by a vote of 8-2. With Camp Comeback no longer in play, she was immediately evicted from the house and met Julie for an interview. In her interview with Julie, Bella expressed remorse for actions in the house.

Head of Household Competition

After the live eviction, the houseguests went to the backyard for the Head of Household Competition. The Head of Household Competition was endurance competition that mostly played out on the live feeds. As the outgoing Head of Household, Cliff was not eligible to compete.

Houseguests had to hang on to their vines for as long as they could. However, the vines had a mind of their own. If a houseguest fell off, they were eliminated from the competition.

If a houseguest fell off, they had to pull a chip from the punishment box. Two houseguests would receive the poison ivy punishment. The last person standing would be Head of Household. We saw Jessica fall off first before the live show ended. The rest of the competition played out on the Big Brother live feeds.

America’s Field Trip twist

Julie closed out Big Brother 21 Episode 14 by announcing the America’s Road Trip twist. America will get to vote for three houseguests to send on a field trip. This field trip would put one houseguest’s game on the line.

Next. Big Brother 21 Episode 14 Preview. dark

Who will win Head of Household and who will the HOH nominate for eviction? Find out Sunday at 8/7c on CBS!