Big Brother 21 Episode 16 recap: more cracks appear in the Six Shooters

Analyse Talvera playing Whacktivity comp "Madagascar Mayhem" on Big Brother. BIG BROTHER airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT); and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), Photo: screengrab/CBS ©2016 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Analyse Talvera playing Whacktivity comp "Madagascar Mayhem" on Big Brother. BIG BROTHER airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT); and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), Photo: screengrab/CBS ©2016 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved /

A brand-new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night on CBS! It was Big Brother 21 Episode 16. In this episode, we saw fallout from the nomination ceremony, Power of Veto Competition, and the Power of Veto ceremony.

Big Brother 21 Episode 16 aired last night on CBS. In the previous episode, Holly Allen defeated Analyse Talavera to win Head of Household. Jackson Michie’s continued rubbing members of his own alliance the wrong way. Despite Sam Smith’s plea for safety and Michie trying to convince Holly to nominate Nicole Anthony, Holly nominated Nick Maccarone and Sam for eviction.

This episode, we saw fallout from the nomination ceremony, some of the pre-Veto plotting, Power of Veto Competition, more plotting and Power of Veto ceremony.

Big Brother 21 Episode 16 begins

Big Brother 21 Episode 16 began with a recap that lasted a couple minutes. Once the recap was over, the main title sequence didn’t appear like it usually does. After the recap, Big Brother 21 Episode 16 picked up where Episode 15 left off, at the end of the nomination ceremony.

Nomination ceremony fallout and subsequent plotting

Sam was sad about being nominated but knew he needed to win. Nick knew he was going up and knew he was most likely going home if he didn’t win the Power of Veto. Holly stated that Nick was her target this week.

Sam and Nick discussed who they would pick if they drew the houseguest choice chip at the draw for Power of Veto players. Nick suggested picking Jessica Milagros as she would be easy to beat. He knew there was one side of the house and six floaters. Nick also knew the only chance of him and Sam both staying was if one of them won the Power of Veto and the replacement nominee was evicted. Sam wanted to pick Cliff Hogg III because he felt Cliff would be easy to beat. He also felt that if Cliff won, Cliff would use the Power of Veto to save Sam to repay Sam for week 1 when Sam used the Power of Veto on Cliff.

Cliff talked to Jessica and Nicole about what they should do if they won the Power of Veto. Cliff felt it was in their best interests that nominations remained the same because it would most likely be one of the three of them being nominated as the replacement nominee.

Meanwhile, Kathryn “Kat” Dunn, Christie Murphy, Analyse, and Holly were discussing Power of Veto scenarios. Kat volunteered to be nominated as the replacement nominee. This would accomplish two things: Holly wouldn’t get anymore blood on her hands and Kat could hide her relationship with Holly.

Power of Veto Competition

Next came the draw for Power of Veto players. Nominees Nick and Sam joined Holly to pick the three other players who would play in the competition. Holly drew Tommy Bracco’s chip, Sam drew the houseguest choice chip and selected Cliff, and Nick drew Jessica’s chip. Holly also got to choose a host for the competition and selected Jack Matthews as the host.

In this Power of Veto Competition, players would compete in head to head matchups. A target number would appear on the barn. Their goal was to corral sheep into a pen that add up to the target number. The first player to get the correct combination of sheep into their pen and ring the bell moved on to the next round. The loser was eliminated.

Nick faced off against Jessica in the first round. Nick beat Jessica to the target number of 7 to advance. Holly then faced off against Sam in the second round. Holly beat Sam to the target number of 8 and advanced. Tommy faced off against Cliff in round three. Tommy beat Cliff to the target number of 9, allowing him to advance.

Due to luck of the draw, Tommy automatically advanced to the finals while Nick and Holly faced each other in the next round. Nick beat Holly in an upset (Holly grew up on a ranch in case she didn’t make it clear enough for you on the show) to the target number of 15. This earned him a spot in the final round against Tommy.

In the final round, Nick and Tommy raced to the target number of 21. Despite Tommy being more rested, Nick got to the target number of 21 first. This earned Nick the Power of Veto and another week in the Big Brother house.

Nick was excited about winning the Power of Veto since it gave him another week in the house. Sam was happy for Nick but was disappointed he didn’t win. Holly was disappointed her number one target won the Power of Veto and knew she had a big decision to make on the replacement nominee.

Last-minute scrambling and poison ivy punishment

Holly, Jack, Christie, and Analyse were in the Head of Household room discussing who to name the replacement nominee. Nicole was the name floated around amongst the four as they felt she was untrustworthy. While Holly did agree she was sketchy, she wasn’t worried about Nicole being in a power position with her inability to win competitions. Holly then floated the idea of putting up Kat as a pawn, as was planned earlier.

Next, we saw Christie and Tommy get called to the diary room. After a few days with poison ivy rashes as part of their costumes, they got a costume upgrade. The rashes were replaced by calamine lotion.

Sam went to talk to Holly in the Head of Household room in an attempt to give himself a better position to stay alive. Sam promised not to come after Holly if he stayed. He tried to get Nicole nominated as the replacement so he would have a chance to flip the vote on Nicole. Holly considered keeping Sam around so he could take shots at the threats for her in the future.

Holly talked about nominating Nicole with Christie and Tommy. This set off Christie’s paranoia and she felt something fishy was going on. This set off a chain of events that led to wider cracks in the Six Shooters.

Tommy and Christie then had a conversation with Analyse about what Holly told them. Christie felt they were being played and that Michie and Holly were building an army to eventually break up the Six Shooters. Christie felt that if Nicole was nominated, it would be to keep Sam because Holly, Michie, Sam, and Nick had a deal.

Analyse relayed this information to Michie and Holly. Michie was pissed off upon learning this information. This made him want to confront Christie and Tommy.

Michie and Holly then confronted them with what Analyse said. However, Christie and Tommy denied the accusations. After talking with Christie and Tommy, Holly felt that Analyse was trying to cause division within their alliance and no longer trusted her.

Power of Veto ceremony

Big Brother 21 Episode 16 concluded with the Power of Veto ceremony. At the Power of Veto ceremony, Nick used the Power of Veto to save himself. Holly named Kat the replacement nominee as planned. However, Holly revealed that she did consider nominating Analyse but felt it was too soon to cause a rift within the Six Shooters. Sam was disappointed and felt like he was the target this week.

Next. Big Brother 21 Episode 16 preview. dark

Tune in tonight at 9 pm eastern to see who gets evicted this week between Sam and Kat!