An all-new episode of Big Brother 21 aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 21. Tommy Bracco was the Head of Household. In this episode, we saw fallout from Tommy’s Head of Household Competition, pre-nomination plotting, and the America’s Field Trip Competition. After the America’s Field Trip Competition, we saw last-minute scrambling to avoid being nominated and the nomination ceremony.
Big Brother 21 aired last night on CBS. It was Big Brother 21 Episode 21. In the previous episode, Jack Matthews and Jackson Michie were nominated for eviction by Head of Household Jessica Milagros. They also had to endure punishments before eviction night on Thursday. Jack campaigned for his safety in the house. However, his pleas fell on deaf ears and he was voted out 6-2. Then, power changed hands once again as Tommy Bracco won Head of Household on his 29th birthday.
In this episode, we saw fallout from the Head of Household Competition, pre-nomination plotting, and the America’s Field Trip Competition. After America’s Field Trip Competition, we saw last-minute scrambling to avoid being nominated for eviction, and the nomination ceremony.
Big Brother 21 Episode 21 begins
Big Brother 21 Episode 21 began like most other episodes do, with a recap of events leading up to where we are now. The main title sequence was not shown in this episode. After the recap, Big Brother 21 Episode 21 picked up where Episode 20 left off, after Tommy claimed victory in the Head of Household Competition.
Head of Household Competition fallout and pre-nomination plotting
Tommy was excited about winning Head of Household on his birthday. Tommy wanted to use his HOH reign set himself up for weeks to come. Michie was happy to have survived eviction but was sad to see his friend Jack leave. However, Michie felt it would be a miracle if he stayed off the block since had made clear he didn’t want to work with the former Six Shooters. Jessica was happy with how her HOH reign went but worried the Six Shooters might try to regroup with Tommy in charge.
Christie Murphy and Analyse Talavera celebrated Tommy’s win in the archery room. Tommy is Christie’s closest ally and good friend outside the house. Cliff Hogg III was worried that Tommy might see him as the person who needed to pay the price for Jack’s eviction. Cliff thought it would be himself and Michie going on the block.
Kathryn “Kat” Dunn felt Tommy winning was the worst-case scenario. A few weeks ago, Tommy had tried to get the house to flip and take her out. Michie was hoping that Tommy wouldn’t nominate him. Michie knew if he was nominated, there was a strong chance that he was going home.
Holly Allen had been trying to mend fences with the former Six Shooters. She and Michie hoped Tommy would realize Christie was and cut ties with her. Good luck with that you two.
Michie went to Tommy and told him everything was water under the bridge. Michie encouraged Tommy to do what was best for him on his HOH reign. Tommy told Michie he wouldn’t target any of the former Six Shooters. After hearing this, Michie played along like he was on board with the Six Shooters getting back together.
Christie and Tommy discussed plans for nominations. Tommy was pretty certain he wanted to nominate Kat and Cliff for eviction. Tommy felt if they got rid of Kat, it would weaken a lot of players. Tommy also considered removing Cliff and nominating Nicole Anthony to ensure Kat went home. Tommy felt Kat was a comp beast and smartest player in the house.
Cliff entered the HOH room to talk to Tommy. Cliff wanted to ensure his safety for the week and was willing to make promises to Tommy in order to do that. Tommy informed Cliff he was thinking of nominating Cliff but that Cliff wasn’t his target.
Kat felt she was in deep trouble because she wasn’t really working with Tommy and Christie. She also knew that Tommy and Christie wanted to get the six back together. Kat hated the feeling of being at the bottom again.
Kat then went to the HOH room to talk to Tommy. Kat told Tommy she wouldn’t vote Tommy out unless he screwed her over. However, Kat actually had no plans to honor that promise. Tommy later told Kat the six weren’t getting back together. Kat knew Tommy was lying because she had figured out his behavioral patterns when he was lying.
America’s Field Trip Competition
Then, the America’s Field Trip Competition was announced to the houseguests. America chose Michie, Analyse, and Christie to compete in the competition. Michie knew this meant he wasn’t America’s favorite but was excited to compete because he likes to gamble. Christie was upset knowing America didn’t like her.
Michie saw an opportunity to get Christie nominated and evicted without getting any blood on his hands. He felt it would be the best thing for his game. He sees Christie as the biggest threat in the house.
Analyse went to Tommy and talked about throwing the competition to ensure Christie’s safety. Analyse knew that if Christie lost America’s Field Trip, she would have to win the Power of Veto to stay in the house. Analyse felt it would be best if she went up because she was the least threatening player of the shooters.
For the America’s Field Trip Competition, players had to grab an egg on the outside of the chicken coop they were in. They had to use their fingers to maneuver the egg to the opening on the other side.
Once they got the egg through the opening, players had to roll it down a launching ramp to knock down a letter. At times, angry chickens would drop down and try to crush their eggs. The first player to knock down the letters SAFE won safety for the week Second received a punishment and if you finished last, you were the third nominee.
Michie won the America’s Field Trip Competition, earning him safety for the week. Analyse finished second, earning her a punishment. Despite Analyse’s attempt to throw the competition, Christie finished last, leaving her as the third nominee this week.
After they got back from the competition, Tommy tried to encourage the three that they weren’t selected because America hates them. However, they all knew otherwise (except Analyse who refused to believe America hated her). Christie was upset about having lost the competition and being the third nominee on Tommy’s HOH. Kat, Michie, and Cliff were happy about Christie being on the block as the third nominee. They saw this as a huge opportunity to take out a big threat.
Last-minute scrambling
Analyse talked to Tommy in the HOH room. She apologized for finishing second and explained she tried to throw the competition. Nick Maccarone and Christie entered the HOH room and Nick promised to use the Power of Veto on Christie if he was selected to play. Nick revealed in private he had played both sides last week. However, he decided his true loyalty was to Tommy, Christie, and Analyse (whom he had previously worked with in the Gr8ful alliance until he and Isabella “Bella” Wang were betrayed).
Kat went up to Tommy in the HOH room in a last bid to save herself from being nominated. Kat pitched to Tommy that she loved Christie. Kat promised to do what she needed to help keep Christie safe this week. However, Kat was just telling Tommy what he wants to hear to keep herself safe.
Analyse’s punishment
As a result of Analyse finishing second in the America’s Field Trip Competition, Analyse received a punishment. For her punishment, Analyse had to don a chicken costume for the entire week. Nicole was scared because she has a fear of birds.
Nomination ceremony
Big Brother 21 Episode 21 concluded at the nomination ceremony. At the nomination ceremony, Tommy nominated Cliff and Kat for eviction as planned. This left Cliff, Kat, and Christie as the three nominees this week. After her nomination, Kat broke down in tears during the ceremony.
Even though Cliff was nominated, he thought he had enough votes to get rid of Christie. He wanted to make sure he won the Power of Veto to make sure Christie was still nominated come eviction night. Christie was upset about being the third nominee and not being liked by America. Michie was excited about the possibility of getting Christie evicted on Tommy’s HOH.
Tune in Wednesday at 8 pm eastern to see who wins the Power of Veto!