The 8th live eviction show of the summer aired last night on CBS! It was Big Brother 21 Episode 26. Christie Murphy and Analyse Talavera were nominated for eviction by Head of Household Jackson Michie. In this episode, we saw fallout from the Power of Veto ceremony, last-minute scrambling to avoid being evicted, and the live eviction. After the live eviction, we saw the Head of Household Competition. Host Julie Chen-Moonves also teased a new twist called America’s Prankster.
Big Brother 21 Episode 26 aired last night on CBS! In the last episode, Christie Murphy and Analyse Talavera had just been nominated by Jackson Michie. They knew their best chance of both surviving was for Christie to come off the chopping block. Nick’s actions further drove a wedge between him, Christie and Analyse. Michie ultimately won the Power of Veto and kept his nominations the same.
Tonight, we saw fallout from the Power of Veto ceremony, last-minute scrambling to avoid being evicted, and the live eviction. After the live eviction, the Head of Household Competition was played. Big Brother 21 Episode 26 concluded with host Julie Chen-Moonves telling CBS audiences of a new twist called America’s Prankster.
Big Brother 21 Episode 26 begins
Big Brother 21 Episode 26 began with Julie greeting CBS audiences and giving them an idea of what to expect on the show. Then, the show launched into a recap of the events that led us to where we are now. The main title sequence wasn’t shown as is typical on eviction nights. Then, Big Brother 21 Episode 26 began where Episode 25 left off, at the end of the Power of Veto ceremony.
Power of Veto ceremony fallout and last-minute scrambling
Before we got to the Power of Veto ceremony fallout, Julie told CBS audiences about Prank Week. It would not affect last night’s live eviction. However, it would affect this week’s Head of Household Competition and new HOH’s power.
Michie knew he had Christie right where he wanted her and felt the house would honor his wishes by sending her packing. Christie was frustrated by being nominated next to Analyse because Nick was the one who constructed the deal that had been one of Michie’s focal points during his HOH. Analyse hated being on the block next to Christie but didn’t feel the need to campaign against her. She thought she had the votes to stay. However, she did know that pawns go home. Tommy Bracco knew the odds were stacked against Christie but felt it was better for his game if she stayed.
Michie talked with Cliff Hogg III about Christie. They expected her to campaign but didn’t know what her pitch would be. Cliff expected her to blow things up.
Tommy reassured Christie he would vote for her to stay this week. Christie told Tommy she was going to campaign for life in the game. Her campaign was going to center around how valuable she was to keep and that Nick Maccarone would continue to pit people against each other and skate to the end. Christie felt Nick was the head of the snake and wanted to cut him down if she was going to be evicted.
Christie then kicked off her campaign by talking to Michie. She threw Nick under the bus by telling him about how Nick played both sides. Michie told Christie her best bet would be to blow Nick’s spot up and make them aware of what he was doing. Michie felt that if Christie put a target on Nick’s back, it would be a win-win situation for him.
Christie then had a conversation with Tommy, Jessica Milagros, and Nicole Anthony. However, Nick overheard it. Nick overheard Christie planning to blow his game up when they had Taco Tuesday. Nick was tired of his name being dragged through the mud.
Nick then went to talk to Michie about what he just heard. Nick was upset with Christie for questioning him and wanted her gone more than ever. Nick also didn’t understand why Christie was campaigning against him.
Nick confronted Christie about her throwing him under the bus and wanting to blow up his game. Christie exposed Nick in front of the entire house and told everyone Nick was her target. Christie hoped everyone would see that she was an asset to go after Nick.
Michie and Holly Allen discussed Christie and Nick’s blowup. Holly said she wanted Nick out because he is a mental threat and had Tommy, Nicole and Analyse on his side. Holly also felt Analyse could easily float through the next few weeks and Analyse knew she was sitting pretty.
Live eviction
Then, it was time for the live eviction. At the live eviction, Analyse was evicted by a vote of 5-1. Nick was the sole vote to evict Christie. As a result, Analyse became the third member of the jury. Analyse then had her exit interview with Julie.
Head of Household Competition
Houseguests studied for what they thought would be the next Head of Household Competition. They heard sounds and calls of different birds throughout the day. However, this was the beginning of Prank Week. These sounds and calls had nothing to do with the Head of Household Competition.
Before the Head of Household Competition began, Julie informed the houseguests that America would be voting to prank whoever becomes Head of Household. While the Head of Household would still be safe for the week, their duties as Head of Household would be affected.
For the real Head of Household Competition, one at a time, houseguests would roll a ball down a yellow plank. Beneath the plank were numbered slots. The player’s score would be where the ball came to a stop. The longer your ball stayed on the plank, the higher your score was. The houseguest with the highest score after everyone had taken a shot would be the new Head of Household. The houseguests with the two lowest scores would receive a punishment themed for Prank Week.
Holly won Head of Household with a score of 50 points, the highest score possible. Jessica faced the punishment when she got the lowest score of 3 points. Nicole and Cliff also faced the punishment when they tied for the second lowest score of 18.
America’s Prankster
Big Brother 21 Episode 26 concluded with Julie announced more details of the America’s Prankster twist. Julie announced that America would get to prank Holly by giving another houseguest half of Holly’s power. As Head of Household, Holly is not eligible to become the prankster. The houseguest who wins America’s Prankster will get to nominate one houseguest for eviction.
Tune in Sunday at 8 pm eastern to see who Holly nominates for eviction and how Prank Week affects Holly’s HOH!